You yawned as you pushed open the doors of the school and walked out into the parking lot. You reached up to brush away a piece of hair that had toppled out of your bun long ago and checked your phone for the time. It was almost eight o'clock, which wasn't late at all, but tutoring freshman for four hours definitely took a toll on you.
You walked through the dark parking lot, noticing that there were only a couple other cars there and that one in particular had three guys leaning up against it. You couldn't see them in the dark, but you could hear them talking among themselves, and you could tell they were a little too old to be teenagers. You didn't like the vibes they were giving you, so you took extra care to walk far away from them.
No matter what you did, they still noticed you and as you walked by you could hear one guy ask "Is that her?"
You gritted your teeth, quickly getting to your car and unlocking the door. Before you could open it, however, a voice from behind you caused you to freeze. "Y/n Y/l/n."
You quickly went to open the door, but a shape came into view and snatched your wrist. Now that you could see the guy close up, you realized you recognized who it was. It was the leader of the coven you and the rest of your family had broken ties with, although now that you thought about it, those weren't quite the right words. Up and left would probably be a better choice, because that was exactly what you had done. Now it appeared that the coven wanted your family back and you were no exception.
"Let me go, Ben," you ordered.
Ben smirked. "Come on, Y/n. Witches never do well on their own. Just like a wolf needs a pack, a witch needs a coven."
"I'd rather be alone than live under you," you hissed. "You killed people."
"You think you're so perfect, huh?" Ben asked you. "I may have done what was necessary to survive, but I can't imagine that temper of yours has gained you many friends."
"You killed for power, not survival," you spat, ignoring his other words. "You never had to do any of it."
He rolled his eyes. "Always so dramatic. You and your family are coming back with me, Y/n."
"How did you even find us?" you asked him.
"Tracking spell," he told you. "Although I have to say it took a very powerful one considering you went all the way to the other end of the country. As for you, well, there's only one high school in Beacon Hills."
Your eyes flicked down to his hand, which was still catching your wrist in a death grip. You looked over your shoulder to the two other guys standing near and Ben smiled.
"Don't worry, they're not witches, but I find that two grown men against a teenage girl isn't a hard fight to win."
"I don't know," you told him with a shrug. "I'm a pretty powerful teenage girl."
In an instant, you were bringing your free hand up and uttering an incantation that sent Ben flying backwards. You dropped your bag and took off towards the school, your sneakers thumping on the cement. You could hear Ben screaming behind you, yelling for the others to grab you, and in seconds a pair of arms wrapped around you and dragged you off your feet.
You screamed as you scratched and clawed at the guy holding you, and when the other one came around to grab your legs, you kicked him in the chest.
"Get off of me!" you spat. "Get the hell off me!"
You reached up and scratched at the guy's face, trying desperately to get him to let go of you. You moved up your hands, trying to cast any spell you could think of, but the guy in front of you had a tight grip on them. With no way to focus the magic, you could just as easily cast a spell that would backfire on you.
Suddenly a deafening roar cut through the night, and you turned to see two shapes with glowing blue eyes running through the parking lot. The guy holding your hands was thrown off of you, and the one holding you dropped you in fear.
You spilled onto the asphalt, your palms scraping the rough ground as you watched the twins fight. Well, at least Ethan was fighting, but Aiden seemed to be throwing punches and missing every time. Realizing that this was your doing, you uttered the words that would break the spell on Aiden, and in no time he was landing punch after punch.
In a matter of seconds the twins had taken down the two guys, but you noticed Ben rising from the ground. You had thrown him back into a parked car, and now there was blood dripping from his head.
"You bitch," he spat as he raised his hands. "You're coming back with me. I'm going to make your life a living hell. I'm going to-"
You raised your hands, spitting out the only spell you could think of at the moment. "Es felem!"
In the blink of an eye, Ben was no longer there, and in his place stood a tiny kitten. It gave one pitiful meow, and you looked down at what you had done in shock. Aiden and Ethan looked at you. "You turned him into a cat?"
"I couldn't think of anything else," you said with a shrug, looking down at the kitten.
You leaned down and picked it up by the scruff of it's neck, and if it was possible for cats to glare, you were sure this one was. Ethan and Aiden just stared at you for a second, and then they burst out laughing. You let out a nervous laugh, setting the kitten down and scratching the back of your neck.
"Are you okay?"Aiden asked you when he stopped laughing.
Your eyes widened at his concern, and you were a little surprised that he wasn't upset about you casting a spell on him. But yet here he was, and he and his brother had just saved your life.
"I'm, uh, sorry about the spell," you told him. "Lydia tells me I hold grudges for too long."
"Oh, really?" Aiden joked with a smile. "I hadn't noticed. Let's just hope this one holds forever."
He looked back down at the kitten, and then back at you. "I kind of deserved it though."
"No you didn't," you said with a sigh. "Besides, you saved my life, so thank you."
Aiden nodded. "Don't worry about it, but, uh..."
"Yeah?" you asked as he trailed off.
"Since I did save your life and all, would you maybe wanna go out on a date with me?" he asked, looking at you with hopeful brown eyes.
You smiled. "I would love to."
"While this is beautiful and all," Ethan said from where he stood over the two unconscious guys. "What exactly do we do with them? And that?"
He pointed towards the kitten, who had now fallen asleep on the asphalt. You smiled, thinking that Ben was a lot cuter when he wasn't human and trying to kill you.
"Maybe call Scott? I don't know, I'll figure something out," you told him, turning back to Aiden. "I'm free Friday."
Aiden grinned. "I'll pick you up at eight."

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