Hisoka, too, had his Ren activated, which caused the stadium to shake. Two powerful auras had made a huge ruckus and the crowd was screaming, either in terror that the building would collapse or in excitement as the fight was about to get really interesting, especially for the man who is a Joker and loves to call children 'ripped fruit' and the girl who is dressed up as a boy because she wants to hide her identify for fun. "Oh good! What is happening right now? The stadium is in distraught!" The MC shouted as the stadium continues to shake like an earthquake.

Kimiko stood in a fighting stance and concentrated her aura in her hands, still eyeing the Joker with her eyes. A small katana chain started to enlarge in her hand until it became a real katana. Gripping the katana tightly, she focused her Shu on her katana, making it sharper like a new bought knife. Some of the crowd started to question how did she get the katana out of nowhere while some cheered and shouted that it will be a win for her. Due this, Hisoka licked his lips and had his cards in between his fingers, also using Shu to make it thinner and sharp which can make anybody have a paper cut. With this, everybody in the crowd cheered and screamed. Boy, this is getting interesting.

The two stared at each other deeply, not making a sudden move. The crowd then became silent after their auras stopped the ruckus and had it in their weapons and inside their body. The girl let out a breath, trying to keep her heart beat from beating too fast or too slow due to the lack of oxygen inside her body as the stadium was crowded with people and the wrenched scent of sweat. The room was silent that you can hear a pin dropped. As soon as the needle tip of the pin touched the ground, causing a high pitch, the two, who were standing not too long ago a few metres apart from each other had it closed.

Miki had her katana aiming at Hisoka's neck while the jester had his cards on hers as well as where her heart is located. She glared at the weapons in his hands and looked up to see him staring at her with a serious look on his face. Sweat started to form on her forehead and it started to roll down to her chin. Grinding her teeth as the bullet of sweat dropped, as it landed to the ground, Kimiko jumped away before Hisoka could have the intention to kill.

Of course we all know Hisoka does not want to kill her, but she could feel the Hatsu coming out from the guy, causing her to retreat, standing a few metres away from his Hatsu. The said girl panted, not really knowing why she held her breath after that. Hisoka smirked, licking his lips as always, before he threw the cards at her direction. The motion of the cards made by Hisoka was slow yet fast at the human eye and the girl was able to dodge it before it can hit her.

The cards passed her, breaking her eye contact with the Joker and eyeing at the cards warily. Adverting her gaze back to the Joker, he was nowhere to be seen. 'What the ♪? Where the hell is he?' Kimiko wondered, looking around her surroundings to find the hidden jester but to no avail. She cussed at herself, blaming that she should not break her eye contact with him. As for the said jester, he was standing behind her the entire time, successfully hiding his presence and eyeing the girl's panic attitude. He was amused how she was not able to find him and seeing how worried and nervous she looks. Like it was simply out of character to see her like this.

Then she stopped trying to find him and stood still. The Joker was still standing behind her, looking down at her petite figure and arching an eyebrow, wondering what she will do next. "Oh? What is happening now!?" The MC questioned. Before the jester could react, his eyes widen when he saw Kimiko glaring at him with her black eyes and her fist was going straight to his face on his cheek which sent him flying through the stadium. His back hit the wall, making a huge dent on it. The girl glared at the man as her appearance started to change into something else. Her hair started to darken into a bloody red colour while her eyes, which was a bright red minutes ago changed to black. Chains started to wrap around her body as she slowly stands straight, still having her eyes glaring at him.

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