Chapter 8

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Diana watched as the guard clasped his hands tightly. "Please, I beg your mercy, My Lord."

Elias gazed at the man on his knees with disgust. "Why should I show mercy to a guard who can't seem to handle one simple task of protecting the Princess?"

He was furious from the idea of what could've happened to the Princess with all that was going on around the kingdom. Hence why he gave this guard, Leonard, the opportunity to prove himself worthy by watching her. Unfortunately, for him, he failed such a simple task and this infuriated Elias to the core.

"I'm sorry, My Lord. It won't happened again."

He's right it won't happened again, Elias thought. He personally would make sure it doesn't. He had already saved the Princess. And now this man wanted to put her in danger.

"You failed me, Leonard. You bring disgrace to our kind. You should be punished for your mistakes."

Diana shook her head. She couldn't afford death on her hands. Nothing in this world would be cruel than to have someone's life end because of her. She suddenly felt the courage to speak against such harsh commands.

"No. It was my mistake. I wandered off and got lost. I'm the one who is at fault."

Elias whipped his head in her direction meeting her eyes. He stared at her for a while. He couldn't surpass her beauty. She was so innocent and pure one could never dare to harm such an angel. That was why he was angry at his guard for failing him. He needed her safe for the time she was going to be here. And he would do so at all costs.

"Then maybe, I should punish you....for your mistakes." He spoke in a monotone not breaking the eye contact. He listened as her heart beat sped up and she brushed her sweaty palms over the side of her gown. A give away to tell she was nervous.

Diana lowered her eyes to the smoothen coloured concrete as the gaze of the man before her became intense. She couldn't tell the reason behind such anxiety when in the presence of this man but he had always made her shiver in more ways than one. She felt eyes still crawling over her frame and the fear to look up suddenly became strengthen by nerves.

Elias tore his eyes away from Diana and turned to his guard.

"I will spare you this one last time, Leonard. Don't disappointment me again. You may leave."

The guard immediately shuffled to his feet and silence overtook the room with only his receding steps.

Diana lifted her head, stood firm and waited for Elias' next move. She was relieved upon the guard being free of trouble but now she was caught in the middle of it. She watched as Elias took a few steps towards her stopping only when their faces were inches apart.

"You are one brave girl aren't you?" Elias spoke in a low voice as his breath lingered softly on the skin of her cheek. "What then should be of your punishment?"

Diana frantically searched his features for any sign of amusement but Elias kept a firm stoic expression. He was teasing her but she had no clue whatsoever. Young and naive was the words that came to his mind.

"I'm sorry, I was- I didn't- I was just.... trying to save him." Diana stuttered through anxiety and a little fear. Why did he make her so nervous? She will never figure out such muddled actions.

"Why?" Elias asked. "Would you risk your life for a stranger?"

"It was unfair. I made the mistake of wandering off." Diana responded through a breathy voice. She needed to get away from this man's presence if this was the effect he had on her. "He shouldn't be punished for something he didn't do."

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