Chapter 5

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Diana watched as the King shook hands with her Father saying goodbye and that they will return soon. She was more than elated when she found out that the Prince and his Father had to leave for their kingdom.... She could now have a little freedom from being in Naraine's presence. It wasn't just because of the proposal but also the fact that he wanted a relationship between them, something she couldn't give to him. It was evident that he loved her. It showed in his compliments, the way he looked at her, how he said her name and the recent gift he left at her door last night.

The carriage started and Diana waved one last time with a smile.

"How are you my child?" Cornelius asked taking Diana's hand into his. "Did you start reading the books I sent you?"

"Not yet but soon Father."

"I want you to be ready when the Prince comes back."

Diana didn't ask since she knew her Father was referring to the proposal.

"I pray Naraine takes all the time in the world to get back." Diana muttered under her breath. If her marriage could take longer than expected then she wouldn't mind. It could take another year and she still wouldn't change her mind. It was crystal clear that she didn't love Naraine. Not in the way he loved her. However, not everybody saw it from her point of view.

"Your Majesties, dinner is ready." Martha barged into the ballroom of the castle.

"I'll go freshen up." Diana excused herself and headed to her chambers.

She could have some alone time to read her books now that Naraine wasn't present to torture her with his visits. Not that she minded because he is still her friend. Diana hurried to the washroom but not before her eyes caught the beautiful bracelet the Prince had given her before he left. It was silver with a few butterfly designs encrypted in a swirl like pattern on the surface. He still remembered her liking for butterflies. She smiled at the gift. It was such a pity she couldn't returned his desires. He was always sweet, kind and loving and even though she couldn't returned his feelings, he still had his qualities in tact.

"Are you going to stand there and stare at that pretty piece of metal or come and have your dinner?"

Diana's eyes instantly went to the figure standing at the door of her bedroom and a blush crept up to her cheeks when she realized she had been caught. "I- I'll be there soon, Martha."

With that, Martha nodded and continued on her way.


Night quickly catch up with the day and before Diana knew, it was time for bed. Well, for everyone else but not her. She had to do her normal mantra every night now that it had become a habit over the past three months. She couldn't help it. The words written on these papers, cramped together as one was something that took Diana's mind and body to newer heights and she craved the feeling it sparked in her every night. It had became more than a habit, it was now a necessity for her to read those stories.

Diana examined the pile of books she snuck from the library earlier this evening and stopped on a cover that caught her eye.

The Departure

This one looks interesting, she thought and grabbed it, immediately springing to the queen size bed where a candle was brightly burning on the side table.

Diana flipped the pages to the prologue and began her reading. This was definitely going to be a long night for her but the best part was, she didn't have Martha to wake her up early since King Cyrus and his son were now gone.


"Don't worry Father, I'll be back by sun down."

"Be safe my child. Keep an open eye." Cornelius said to his daughter with concern laced in his voice. He couldn't help but to worry that Diana was going out to visit her friend. It just wasn't in a father's nature to be comfortable with the idea of his daughter being out on her own.

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