Chapter 13

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Hey everybody! So I totally attempted to upload this last week, but Wattpad decided that I had "too many tags" and wouldn't let me. Anyways, here's Chapter 13. I finished the story in April and that chapter will be posted probably next week.

Thanks so much for reading:)

Copyright 2013-2014


"I don't know why you insist on bullshitting me, Tony," Arianna said, annoyed, two hours later. "I know you have better food downstairs."


"Because you told me in first period that your mom went shopping Wednesday and you were hyped as shit for the session this weekend."

Tony glanced at Melanie, who glanced at her phone and shook her head. "Wait a few more minutes, Ari. It'll pass soon."

"Because the munchies always pass." Arianna rolled her eyes and turned up the volume on Tony's TV. "If you keep me waiting any longer I'm ordering a pizza with YOUR money."

Tony sighed. "It won't come to that. Besides, you sobered up thirty minutes ago."

Arianna groaned. "Quickest high of my life. Tell Max he's lost his touch."

After a few minutes, with Arianna's focus on the TV, Melanie flashed Tony six fingers and he nodded.

"You must really think I'm blind, Melanie," Arianna said, her eyes still on the TV, "to think that I don't see you flashing fingers at Tony."

Melanie shook her head. "It was a bet against Tony to see how long your high would last. I bet it wouldn't last more than thirty minutes, so he owes me six bucks."

"I'm sure." She yawned. "What are you two hiding? You've both been acting weird since we got here."

Before they could answer, Melanie's phone rang; Arianna whipped her head around to face her. Arianna had one special ringtone for one person, and it was programmed into Melanie and Tony's phones in case Arianna didn't have hers.  

"That's Dre's ringtone," she said slowly. "Why is Dre calling you?"

There was a three second silence before Arianna leaped off the floor and dived for Melanie's phone. Tony rolled out of the way and tossed the phone at Melanie, who jumped on top of the bed and held the phone over Arianna's head.

"Calm down, Ari."

"Calm down for what?!”

"Because I'm about to answer it and he can't know you're listening!"

"Put it on speaker then! I want to hear this!!"

"Only if you SHUT UP!!!"

Before Arianna could argue, Tony tackled her onto his beanbag chair and clamped a hand over her mouth. "Answer it," he pleaded. "Before she uses my hand as a snack."

Melanie shushed him and answered.  "Hello?"

"Hey, Mel."

"Hey, Dre."

"Can you meet me outside?" He said. "I'm around the corner."

Arianna's eyes widened.

"Just bang on the door and I'll come out."

"Ari still doesn't know, does she?"

Melanie glanced at her. "Not really..."

"Cool. I'll see you in a few."

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