Chapter 8

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Hey everybody! Here's Chapter 8, I really hope you like it. this story is almost done, so soak up as much as you can! Arianna and Nik collage on the side.


Copyright 2013


Arianna blushed as she and DeAndre descended the stairs—hand in hand.

Eddie yelled, "It's about fucking time!" loudly and Keith victoriously claimed his bet money from Max and Justin. They were surrounded by the masses quickly, demanding the full story. The two of them glossed over the gory details, claiming, "We just had shit to work out, and we did." That seemed to pacify everybody for the time being, and gave Arianna a chance to escape to the quiet refuge couch as Max probed Dre for an answer as to what exactly happened to the rest of his weed. 

She had just settled in with a new can of Ginger Ale when Christina and Tony sat down on either side of her.

"We told you so," Tony said.

Arianna rolled her eyes and took a long swig. "I'm being tagged teamed."

He shrugged. "We did tell you so though. So you can only blame yourself for the amount of I-told-you-so's you're going to get."

"I told you so," Christina said, making their point.

"You know, I Told You So has a brother, Tone. His name is Shut The Fuck Up."

"That would be good in a song, Ari." Justin appeared out of nowhere.

"I swear to god one of you needs to teach me how y’all manage to come out the cut from fucking nowhere."

"Swag," Justin and Tony said simply.

Arianna rolled her eyes again. "Do you wanna start writing or what?"

Christina jumped off the couch. "That's my cue to get more food before Keith packs all of it up in his ghetto Ziploc bags."

"He's still doing that?" Arianna laughed.

"It's Keith, what do you expect?" Christina laughed with her before dashing into the kitchen.

Tony snagged Justin's lyric book from his hand. “Where did you leave off?"

"With Arianna bullshitting through a chorus."

She shrugged. "I had other things on my mind."

"Well now you're free to write. Let's get to work."

The two of them brainstormed and jotted down lyrics and melodies with Tony commenting his ideas here and there, while people started drifting out the door.

"I gotta say, Ari," Justin said after ten minutes, "Dre is really good for your creativity."

She shrugged. "Sometimes he is my creativity. But don't tell him that; it would just go to his head." She paused, tapping the pen against her cheek. "I wrote so much this year. Ironically, my most popular stuff was a result of the shit that happened this year. My number of reads and votes shot way up on Wattpad." She scribbled down a line and handed the book back to Justin, "I finished the bridge.”

He studied the line carefully. "That you did. Nice work. We're done. Let's record this next week." Justin stood up, stuffing his book in his pocket. "I'm out; I don't wanna get stuck cleaning up." He hugged Arianna, dapped up Tony, and followed Max out the door.

Tony faced Arianna. "You staying?"

"For a while."

The two of them sat there in an easy silence for a few minutes, giving Arianna time to think about recent events—and Tony, especially Tony. He was still her best friend in this group, despite her rejection. He had a chance and took it, knowing full well she may not feel the same way. And he hadn't gotten mad at her for not reciprocating those feelings. He was one of the coolest guys she knew.

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