Chapter 5

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One more update tomorrow and then you guys are really going to hate me. I'm going out of town next week so no updates after Friday until I get back. Sorry! Enjoy this chapter though.  A pic of DeAndre is on the side.

Thanks for reading!:)

Copyright 2013


Arianna. Tony. Arianna and Tony. 

So it was true. He had suspected it all year and this confirmed it. 

He guessed he shouldn't have been too surprised. Tony talked about her to Justin as much as he thought about her himself. 

DeAndre took another drag on what had to have been his 25th jay of the night. Max hadn't noticed that DeAndre had taken his weed yet, thank god—he may not give it back. 

He couldn't believe he had missed his chance with Arianna. Again. He wanted to talk to her after truth-or-dare had ended about how she had handled Nik, but she had taken such a long time in the kitchen. So when Justin asked for her, he jumped at the chance to find her and talk to her before they started writing. 

But then he had seen them kissing and he felt angry enough to murder Tony right then and there. The one thing that made him pause was the look on Arianna's face: that shocked expression, her wide eyes and flushed cheeks kept him rooted in place until Christina dragged him out. 

He closed his eyes, trying to put his conversation with Christina out of his mind. It wasn't easy. She was his best friend and confidant. She knew how he felt about Arianna before he did. And she knew how he thought he felt about Arianna now. 

She had cornered him before he had escaped upstairs to his room and told him what he already knew. 

"It wasn't what it looked like," she said. 

He paused with one hand on the stair railing, his back to her. "It looked pretty fucking clear."

"She doesn't want Tony; she told me earlier."

"Did she also tell you how she was gonna decide to throw that out the window and start making out with him?" He turned away from her again. 

She grabbed his arm and turned him around, making him face her. "Arianna wants you, even more than you want her—listen to me!" she commanded when he started to protest. "She told me that she wouldn't tell you because she's scared."

"That gives her the right to go kiss somebody else?"

"She's scared you'll react the same way you did before. Can you really blame her?"

DeAndre opened his mouth to respond, but no argument came to mind. 

Christina saw this as an opportunity to continue. "She refuses to believe you feel the same way, and she's scared. No matter what she told Nik earlier, no matter how much she pretends that that song on her iPhone wasn't about you, she loves you. She's not going to tell you again, Dre, so you're gonna have to tell her yourself."

He looked towards the kitchen door; it was still closed with Arianna and Tony behind it. But there was so much more between them, more than a door, and he knew that. There was more between them now than ever. If she wanted to be with Tony, she could. If she was scared of his reaction that meant she didn't love him like she claimed. If she wanted to hide her feelings this time and expect him to do all of the work, then she could. 

"There's nothing else to tell her.”

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