
I shut my eyes a bit and leaned my head down on their counter. When I came in, there weren't many people, in fact, the place was almost empty with an exception of a teenage couple and another teenager with headphones and staring up at his laptop as if it was business he is dealing with.

Despite the sleep I already had, all I want to do is sleep for three consecutive days if that was possible. I needed something to wake me up.

"Sir, you a'right?" Keith asked so I stood straight up slowly.

I nodded, "Fine." I rubbed my eyes later. "Keith, can I ask you a favour?"

"Anything, sir."

"Should Taylor show up, don't make her pay anymore," I said. I'm already uncomfortable by the fact that I partly own the place and still, she's giving me free coffee.

"Both drinks or--"

"Both," I answered. "Tell it to the other staff if you can." Since I only know Vannie and Keith. Some of the staff come and go. "I'll handle the payments and if she goes berserk, you just ask her to talk to me. Yes?"

"Sure. Anything else?"

"The coffee now," I reminded him since he seemed to have forgotten my order.

Keith gives a light chuckle before handing me the cup. I paid for it and walked my way out of the cafe. Since Tuesdays are already shaping up to be my most boring day of the week, next to Monday, I decided to make myself productive along with the mental notes I made.

At least I think getting a haircut should be on my to-do list. There's another one, only I don't remember.

After getting a neat haircut, I walked back home. I've dated an environmentalist once and she told me that if you're going to go to a nearby place, you can walk it off, and you're not in a hurry, don't use your car. At least in some of the short-term relationships I had with people, some memories tend to stick.

I remember that environmentalist, I liked her but I didn't exactly love her. She had dark hair, tips dyed blue to match her eyes, olive skin and a beautiful smile. Of course, that's how I remembered her, I've got no idea how she looks now. I really liked her, but I have a feeling that she sensed that I only liked her instead of loved so she ended it for the both of us ahead of time.

I remember asking myself why, but then getting drunk on one of the bars and then it led to events that said I didn't really love her since I shagged another girl, a stranger the very same night.

I shook my head from the thoughts, that was the past. I needn't let it bother me as it was not as important as some people would pose it to be.

What I've become from who I was, I will never really understand. I can only guess it's a natural cycle to be someone you used to be in contrast with because quiet and boring days? I could never last those, until I've changed.

The days next were rather dull, I've only found myself looking forward to Thursday, Taylor's day off. Just one day when I took a short trip to the gym and I walked home sweaty after. Not that anyone would mind though, people tend to mind their own businesses here.

And it's the first day of December too. I should remember something about December that has nothing to do with Christmas and it being the last month of the year but I simply could not put my mind to it.

So far, the only thing I got on my mind was Taylor on Thursday. . . how the two things correlates for me to look forward to one day.

It had me thinking how I could let Taylor travel back and forth between two different places, I don't just let her, I expect her to and it doesn't seem right. And not only on Thursdays.

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