"And here I am simply walking Cara til we get to town so I could drop her to the airport," I said. "I'll be staying around."

"Okay. See you soon."


She ended the call right there. Cara walked back to my side of the road. Once she's already walking side by side with me, she said, "You are going to die old and alone. That's it for you, babe."

I gave her a smile as I put my phone in my pocket. I take no offense when she says that, or when someone else does, for that matter. Who cares anyways? It's my life I'm making a mess with.

We got to town and Cara told me to simply hitch a ride home. It seems to me that her time in America had gotten rid of some of her slang. Nowadays, she seemed to speak more of the American way, minus her accent because she will always have that involuntarily. Not that I would tell her though, I'd never mention it to her.

After making sure that Cara was alright, I decided to walk back home since I never really got to exercise back in New York since I was in my shop all the time. The times when I'd work out was rare and if I'm going to die alone, I might as well die old, old enough without illnesses to worry about. Plus, it gives me time to think.

I've thought about what Cara mentioned, that I wasn't really comfortable talking about Taylor. I was never comfortable talking about anyone I am dating, it never felt right. Taylor is sweet and nice, don't get me wrong. It's not that I think she'll leave me so easily, it's in the fact that we aren't anything, not too much at the moment.

I like her calling me from time to time, I don't make that kind of effort, it's simply not in me. I still like it, I still love the idea of having her around me, or even hearing her voice in the middle of the night. It's nice, it's even calming. I consider myself lucky to have her in my life.

Besides, Gran told me it's bingo night for them so I am good to stay away for a few moments. Otherwise, I'll just remember my childhood moments. It seemed a bit cliche to do that over and over again.

It felt like hours when I finally got home. Strangely, even from a distance, I saw a rather nice looking black car parked near our house. It seemed like it costs a fortune, and gran wouldn't spend a dime on those, neither would her maid own that. . . so I'm thinking, we've got a visitor.

Although, a car that fancy, I could guess the visitor is one of my brothers.

As soon as I got through the door, I examined the house whichever things changed.

"Mr. Styles, your brother asked to go to your room," said gran's maid whose name I already forgot.

"And you let him?!" I groaned in exasperation as I jogged towards my room which is right near the kitchen.

I needn't knock nor twist the knob as the door was already open. I could only hear the sound of my yo-yo being played with, and my bed getting messed up.

I saw Franco, dark auburn hair, and the trademarked Styles green eyes. He laughed once I walked in.

"About time, little brother," he said, playing with my yo-yo and purposely pushing pillows to the floor with his other hand. "You could have told me you've gone here with Cara. Where is she, by the way?"

There had once been a thing between Cara and my brother, for about a year, three years ago. This is why Cara always hated having Franco around because he seems to be still out to get her even though he doesn't seem to be serious about it. Besides, Cara doesn't like him anymore.

I hung my coat on the rack, pretending not to be bothered about the fact that he's messing up my room for no apparent reason. "I just took her to the airport."

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