Dude, you stink! 7

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EDIT: This chapter is a load of failbuckets. If you haven't read this chapter yet, I advise you not to. It's wrong and stupid. Go to the next shown chapter, "Dude, You Stink! 7 (for reals this time!)" Maybe you can come back and read this junk later if you want to, but it's junk. Just skip it for now.

<Author's Comments> I've been thinking. From the story so far, it's seemed like Alex has nothing to like about him, so some of you might not like him so far. For this chapter, open your minds please and forget any negative crap or whatever. Also, after I get this chapter up, I'm going to put the story on pause and write about some other stuff. Enjoy! -^^-



"Kira!" I shouted into the air. Just a second ago she'd been a hologram with her arm stuck into the wall. She pulled out, and fell back and disappeared. It was almost as if she were never there. The only thing that reminded me that it wasn't just a dream was the blood dripping down my wall. I walked up to it, curious as to why a hologram bled. I had explained it badly. She hadn't really been pixely, but that was the only word that I could think of at the time. Her voice had been pretty funky though. I cocked my head to the side, wondering why she bled.

I was about to poke the stain when my door flew open, "Alex! Are you okay? Did you have another dream about her?" my mom burst in with a worried look on her face. I moved in front of the blood mark, trying not to let her see it.

"H-hey, mom. Whatchya doin'?" I chattered nervously. Usually I was cooler, but I had just seen my love be amputated by a wall in hologram form. It kinda made me nervous.

"Aw, it's okay honey. Your father told me everything," she walked over and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Whoa whoa whoa, dad told you?" I fumed, "I told him not to talk about it! Rawrgarfrg!" I had always shared my nightmares with dad, telling him not to tell anybody. It was our secret. Note the word WAS. How could I ever trust him again? I really wanted to stab something. I pulled away from her and put my back to the bloody wall. I could throw away the pajama shirt later.

She looked at me with big fat innocent eyes, "what? Why not? You know, most young boys talk out their problems with their mothers," she looked at me skeptically, as if I were breaking some 'normal boy' rule.

"Look, it's the kind of thing that we DUDES have to talk about. Moms just say 'oh, it's gonna be all right!' and give us hugs. I'm not looking for hugs; I'm looking for someone to talk to who has had the same experiences as I did!" I yelled at her. She backed away and shook her head, not believing what I had just said. She turned and ran for the door, leaving behind a few tears. I shook it off and turned to the blood on my wall. It was now all smudged up. I closed my door and got to work, grabbing a rag from the floor to clean it up.

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"Alex!" I shouted into the air. Just a second ago I'd been a hologram with my arm stuck into the wall. I looked around at my surroundings. I was sitting straight up in bed with my arm stretched out in front of me as if I were trying to reach something. I was in my new room. No Lloyd. I blinked and realized that there were tears in my eyes. I was also sweating like a dog.

The door burst open and Lloyd came crashing through, "what's wrong?! Are you okay?!" he ran up and grabbed my arms, "don't tell me you were doing yoga--- er, meditating. Darn it, now you've got me saying it!" he yelled. I heard some humor in his voice, so that was good, "but seriously. What happened?"

I sighed and dropped my arm, "I had a really funky dream," I shrugged, "I don't really remember it very well," I really remembered it perfectly, but I didn't feel like explaining it to Lloyd. It was a really weird dream. Or nightmare.

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