Dude, you stink! 6

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While we were getting ready to go, we chatted about random stuff on our minds. We went from our own back-stories to popular stories to unpopular-yet-awesome stories to really bad stories. We had just started discussing 'the happiness hypothesis' when a lightning bolt lit up the dim house. I didn't scream at the lightning, but the thunder came off-beat, causing me to screech. We soon finished brushing hair and teeth and whatnot. Lloyd was the first out the door. He had on some casual guy pants and a tee shirt. I wore his boxers and pants with a long sleeved shirt to match. He might have been a guy, but he had some fashion sense. I had tried to tie a scarf around my waist as a funky belt, but Lloyd stopped me and said it would probably get in the way. I reluctantly put it back and followed him out the door. There were few people about, considering it was one AM and thundering. Lloyd brought along an umbrella just in case it started to rain, too. I asked him about the whole lightning-is-attracted-to-the-metal-in-umbrellas deal, but he just shrugged it off, saying something about how it had plastic instead.

As we walked along the empty street, Lloyd briefed me on what to do, ". . . once you're inside, you gotta sneak silently to his bedroom. Then, just slowly take his wrist and put this knife along the vein," he took a little tan knife out of his pocket and held it out for me to grab. I somewhat reluctantly took it and dropped it into a pocket of my pants. He continued, "Then, you simply put your lips to him. His cut, that is. See, this is a knife made of that same ore that my dagger had. After Luciferilla stole it, I got another off the web. It was smaller than I thought. Anyway, on humans, it doesn't hurt to the cut. The mineral combinations have to do with numbing and such that I won't bother to go into," I could tell he wanted to yap about it all day, but I needed more info on this, "He won't wake up through any of it if you're careful. Once you're done, just come back the way you came and you're back on the street!" he smiled at me and held up his arms in emphasis. He dropped his smile and arms simultaneously, "One more thing. Once you start drinking, you won't want to stop. All feelings but happiness disappear, and you won't be able to think of a reason to stop. If I see that happening, I'll stop you. You sure as hell won't like it, but that'll pass quickly." He ended with a little chuckle that made me sway a bit. I quickly got my bearings again, not wanting him to see anything. Wait, what? We had already had at least three awkward lovey-dovey scenes, yet I didn't want to show him that I sort of like him? Ugh. I really needed a Slurpee. Or a Berger cookie.

We finally reached the house, and approached the door. He had a million little decorations on the front of his house. They looked like they could be easily climbed.

I walked up to the door, about to carefully open it, when Lloyd's hand stopped me, "wait, look," he pointed to a sign sticking out of the small piece of lawn. I looked at it closely, and it said 'Broadview Home Security' in big fat letters. Oops. So much for 'carefully'. Lloyd took me and my arm back a few feet and examined the wall. It had one window on the second story, two on the first. I'd been to Alex's house enough times to know he had a room on the second story with a window view. I sighed, thinking that I'd probably have to climb it. As if reading my mind, Lloyd said, "Ladies first," I gave him a sarcastic smile and walked to the wall. Did I say easy to climb? Well, it would certainly be easy for a monkey. I tried putting my foot on the first story windowsill and grabbing onto a jutting out brick to get started, but I fell on my butt. I tried on the other sill, still no luck. I tried at least ten times on each. My butt was really getting sore. Once, I landed on my feet, causing me to fall onto my butt again. I was just starting number twenty-one when Lloyd said, "You have to concentrate. Right now, you're thinking about climbing a wall. You're motives are all wrong. You have to think of the reward waiting for you on the top. Only then will your instincts take over and carry you to the finish," he motioned to the wall, as if to say 'now try it'. I walked up and touched the wall, letting my mind wander to Alex.

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