Chapter 7

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Im dedicating this chapter to xAmberr_1Dx who sent me a really nice message which made me upload this up quicker and gave me some critical points. Thank you!

Im open to ideas that I think may work well.

Much love, now onwards with this chapter!

~Eleana's POV~

"That stinks!"

"What is that?"

"It looks mouldy."

"DON'T YOU DARE BRING THAT NEAR ME LOUIS TOMLINSON!" I shouted as he came closer with a sock, I had no idea whose sock it was but the smell was horrific.

"What you gonna do about it Elle?" Louis said standing a few feet in front of me. The boys had their eyes on me and Louis watching intently.

"I will.... Chop off one of your balls whilst you are sleeping mush it up and put it in your pie that I'm baking tomorrow. That sound fair? Now if you want to keep your man hood go and put that dreaded sock in the wash basket now before I start to look for the plyers!" I said sternly as Louis ran out of the room with the sock in his hand. Niall and Harry were on the floor laughing until tears were coming out of their eyes. Liam and Zayn were leaning onto each other for support laughing like their life depended on it. Louis soon came back in the room whimpering. "Awwhh Louis, i would never do that. I would never want to look at mini Louis anyway." I said as the boys became silent. Stares were passed between the boys, finally the silent was broken with Niall literally rolling on the floor laughing. Everyone began laughing even Louis and I.

"Thats good Eleana, your like a little sister to me." Louis said pulling me into a hug.

"How about I go and make breakfast whilst you lot talk about manly stuff." I said adding a wink and the left the boys in the living room with the duvets and pillows everywhere. Duvets on the floors and on the pillows chucked around everywhere.

~Niall's POV~

The thought of food made my stomach growl. I looked around at the boys coming and going, taking out the duvets and pillows and then coming back empty handed. I hadn't even lifted a pillow. I smiled to my self at my accomplishment. Soon enough the boys were sitting down on the sofa and Louis and Harry were sitting down on the floor. Louis and Harry were doing what they usually do, holding hands and panting each others legs. Their too cute together.

"Im hungry." I moaned, my stomach agreed with me with a satisfying growl.

"That's nothing new." Zayn said mocking me.

"A growing boy needs food." I said defending myself and my large appetite. "What do you think shes making?"

"BREAKFAST IS READY!" Eleana shouted from the kitchen. I was the first up from my seat and the first one to run out of the room, down the wide corridor and into the kitchen and sitting down at the table. "You hungry Ni?" She asked placing a plate of food in front of me.

"Obvisoully. I love fry-ups!" I said with a smile stuck to my face, bacon, eggs, fried bread, beans what else could a hungry guy like me ask for?

"ELEANA I'M HUNGRY!" Louis said wining as he sat down at the table, the boys following behind.

"Ok, jee Louis, I think I'm going to feed the patient first." She said placing a plate in front of Liam, then Zayn, Harry and the finally Louis.

"Thank you Eleana." We all chorused.

"Ill wash up." I said standing up and grabbing the finished plates and placed them in the sink.

"Well im going to get changed." Eleana said standing up and walking out of the room. She was beautiful with out any make up. Her long blond hair flowing down to below her bust, natural, bouncy blond curls and her bright blue eyes.


"LETS GO!!!" Louis shouted through the house. "COME ON ELEANA STOP BEING A GIRL AND HURRY UP!" He shouted up the stairs. There was a smash of glass from Eleanas room and a hair raising scream. We ran up the stairs, the window was smashed in Eleanas room.

"Where Eleana!?" I asked panicked running into different rooms. "SHES GONE WHERES ELEANA?" I shouted running back into her room. The boys were all crowded around, their faces drained. I ran over to see Louis holding a peice of paper.

'She isn't going to come back.

Youll never find her.

This isn't who you think it is.

Youll never see her again.'


Shes been kidnapped! :o. Bet you never thought that was going to happen aye? Well id appreciate some feedback. The more feed back i get the more i can start dedicating my chapters too! :D




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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2012 ⏰

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