Chapter 4

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~Eleanas POV~

"Louis?" I asked my best friend. He looked at me and smiled his loving smile.

"Yes Eleana?" Louis answered and sat down on a chair next to me. I looked at him, trembling.

"Can I sleep with you? I don't want to sleep alone." I asked timidly looking down at my pale hands in my lap. The black boxers were comfy, much more comfier than my knickers. Nialls top was nice and baggy, good ol' Jack Wills!

"Of course you can Elle." Louis said pulling me into a hug, I wrapped my arms around his neck and breathed in his scent. He made me feel safe, like nothing was going to happen to me what so ever. That he would look after me like i was his little sister and he was my older brother who would do anything for me.

"Your pancakes m'lady." Niall said in a posh british accent, I pulled out of the hug from Louis as Niall placed the plate down and bowed. I giggled, I had laughed so much being here with the boys than i had in my entire life, well before i was 15. That was when my life was changed completely and I would never forget it, no matter how hard i tried.



"Night Sweetie."

"Sweet dreams Elle."

"See you in the morning babe."

"Night Elle Belly." Louis said from his side of the bed, i smiled into the darkness. He called me that when we first met, when i was seven and he was ten. A cute innocent boy, I don't know how he had changed from an innocent boy in to a devilish man. Though I couldn't help but love him!

"Night Liam, night Zayn, night Niall, night Harry!" I shouted to the boys. "Night Boo." I said and snuggled into the sheets, closing my eyes and feel into a deep sleep.


~Harry's POV~

I sighed, it was half past seven. Since when did i wake up at this time? I sighed and slipped out of bed pulling on a pair of Jack Wills sweatpants over my boxers and a stray top from the floor over my bare chest. I walked out of my room and down the stairs. There was noise coming from the living room. No one was usually up at this time, not even Liam. I sighed and entered the room cautiously. There was an outline of a figure on the sofa. It was a male from the build of his body. It was dark but I'm sure, no im positive i had never seen this figure before, it defiantly wasn't one of the boys or Eleana. I felt a shiver go down my spine, Eleana. I quickly backed out of the room, fortunately he hadn't spotted me as his eyes were glued to the TV. I quickly walked up the stairs not making a sound. I walked into Niall's room first. I shook him

"Hmph." Niall muttered in his pillow.

"Niall, mate get up quickly. There someone downstairs." I said in a hushed voice, Niall shot up and looked at me. "Come on we need to wake the boys and Eleana up." I said and quickly and quietly pulled him into Liams room. "Get up now." I said poking his face making him wake up he looked at me confused. "There's someone downstairs. I think its Eleana's father." I said. "Niall go wake up Zayn." I said as Niall ran into Zayns room and me and Liam hurried to Louis' room

"Get up now." Liam said sounding fustrated and angry. I knew i was angry, after all the things this man had put this poor girl through, he had to come and ruin her life again, but she didnt deserve any of this, she was so kind and loved life. Eleana's eyes flew open and tears fell down her face, she had had a night mare. I knew that much.


"Ill go in first." I said in a hushed voice. I opened the door and the figure was still there.

"Eleana dear, I've been waiting."


[A/N]  Sorry i didnt upload yesterday, i had dance rehearsals so couldn't.

Forgive me? Id really like to hear some of your feedback, even if it is critical. Id just really appreciate it, thank you! ;3




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