Chapter 4

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The interloper-seat-stealer starred intently towards me. Okay, maybe he wasn't actually staring at me specifically. But is most certainly felt like he was. His coal black eyes dart around the classroom hunting for something. His gaze slowly glides up and down everyone's face. He reminded me of a snake, cold, dark, and unfeeling. Predatory.

I glance at my neighbors. Do they see him? I can't tell, everyone is keeping to themselves. One fun fact about myself is my tendency to see people that aren't there. No, I'm not the kid from the Sixth Sense. They aren't ghosts and they never speak to me. But that doesn't mean they don't freak me the hell out. Walking down the hallway at school and running into a character from Lord of The Rings, or Star Wars is not what I call a fun time. My imaginations runs wild literally. Maybe this time was different. Maybe he is real, he seems real, he looks real. But, they always seemed real.

When I was a kid I thought the people I was seeing were friends of my parents or strangers on the street. It wasn't until I was older that I realized one of these things was not like the other. One of these things does not belong.

The split second before our gazes meet I instinctually looked away. He wasn't like the others I could see. Maybe he was real.



"Who is that sitting in Charlie's seat?" Cindy looks up from her notes and stares intently at the trespasser. Confusion and fear dash across her face but is quickly replaced with glazed content look.

"Haha, what are you talking about it's Malick. You're being so weird lately. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" The expression of pity on Cindy's face pierced my heart with searing pain. What the hell is going on? Cindy promised she would never look at me like that. Like I'm weirdo, a freak...or...or... crazy. I snatch Cindy's notebook off her desk. My pen strokes are hard and dark ripping through the first couple layers of paper.

Code Blue

Cindy's expression became serious in a split second. Ever since we were little kids Cindy and I had one rule. When Code Blue was called upon, it was no questioned ask. In all its basic definition I was in V-fib and I need her to shock me back into a normal rhythm. Two years ago after the accident that claimed my parent lives, I suffered a serious mental break down. They found me five miles away from my family's totaled SUV wandering in the woods. I didn't have scratch on me, and I remember none of it. I didn't recognize Cindy, or her parent's. My Aunt Carol flew down from Portland, and took over guardianship. She insisted my name was Stella, and my summers were spent staying in her Portland bungalow. She would read romance novels, and requite my nibble child hands for weeding the community garden.

For months Aunt Carol would regale me of tails of old. She was persistent in her story telling constantly pushing me to remember her words. But I never could. I never spoke, and could never seem to remember when I was. If it was next week, or yesterday. Until one day out of the blue, I was myself again. It was like waking from a dream. I was suddenly me. Even though I was a certified weirdo. Cindy never left me alone and remained my steadfast mediator for reality. Never once did she look at me with pity in her eyes. Never once did she toss my questions aside for the easier explanation.


She is who she is. Only she is forgetting. A little voice in my head whispered terrible truths I never wanted to believe. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. I was sweating in all the gross places no one ever admits to out-loud. The Cindy that was sitting next to me was not right. She was an imposter. They all were. This couldn't be real, could it? I could feel the gazes of my classmates begin to hover over my person. Their eyes became large and bug like, squared teeth elongating to needle point fangs. Whispers began to worm into the corners of the room. 'God not again.' 'When will she drop out?' 'She's such a freak.' I clench my pen so tightly in my fist it bends in half.

What are you seeing? Cindy tapes her notebook sharply with her pen. It wasn't enough to get my attention so she stabs me in the ribs with the blunt end. I grunt in discomfort shaking the false images out of my head. I scribble a sloppy response

A man


Charlie's desk.

Cindy squints taking a calculated look at Charlie's desk. Her eyes spark once again, fear threads its way through her brows. Eyes wide the glimmer of panic ebbing away at the edges. However the longer she stares at interloper the calmer her expression became. No, that wasn't right. She wasn't calm, it was like a haze had settled over Cindy dulling her expression. A switch flips and Cindy becomes someone else. Not Cindy rolls her eyes and laughs as she drags the note book over to her.

That's Malick, duh! :p


Malick, hello? Booger wiper from 2nd grade. You ok is your-

I bolt upward knocking my desk-chair combo into my neighbor. A disgruntled shout and curses rips through clenched teeth. I mumble a sorry as I swoop up my things. I falter through the isles as I stumble over bags, straps, and feet.

"Taia?" Cindy calls softly after me.

"Sorry, I uhh I need to go. I forgot uhmm homework." I dash out of the classroom before Mr. Baker could stop me. I'm breathing too fast. I'm hyperventilating! My throat constricts causing me to wheeze. Somehow I drag myself into the bathroom and promptly barf into the open mouth toilet. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand and slid down the yellow tiled wall onto the yellow tiled floor. Classy design choice for a bathroom. Pee yellow. The stall door is off center and drifts open toward the stall. I nudge it closed with my booted foot. The door swings back. I nudge it harder, the door swings back again. SMASH! The heel of my boot jams the door shut. A black smudge and a dent are clearly visible in the corner of the door. Great, way to be Taia. Destruction of school property. I clutch my bag tightly to my chest, my body begins to shake from my silent sobs. I'm losing my mind. I can't do this again! I'm so close to being free from this Hell. I can't...I can't do this alone.

You're never alone.

A voice from the back of my mind quite and soft like the breeze. I could have imagined it, maybe it was someone out in the hall. Cant kid a kidder. It was the same one as before.

'Are you real?' I say to myself, or out-loud, or was it both? The whispered voice didn't respond. I laugh a pathetic laugh cry. You know the kind. The defeated shout to the Heavens kind.

"Taia?" A soft tentative call... "You okay?" Funny I didn't even hear her walk in. Cindy shuffles around on the other side of the stall. The stall door next to mine creaks open. Cindy's head peaks up over the top of the stall dividers.

"I'm sorry." Says Cindy. She bits at her lower lip, teeth pulling at lose skin and bleeding slightly. I noticed she did that more often when stressed. A totally weird thing to do. But hey it's not like I have anything to boast about when it comes to a stable mental state.

"Don't worry about me. It's fine really. I'm pretty sure its just food poisoning from last night's-Tuna surprise! I think I better go home before I barf again." Cindy nodes to herself accepting my explanation.

"I better get back to class. Text me later." Cindy's head bobs back and forth over the top of the bathroom stall and disappears behind it. She waits for me at the bathroom entrance and we walk out together.

"K, bye." I wave half-heartedly as we part ways in the school hallway. While leaving the school grounds I had this overwhelming sense that I was being watched. I glanced back over my shoulder towards the school. The second floor was a mass of windows. It was only for a split second, but I swear I saw the shadowed figure of a man, standing in the furthest window starring down at me.

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