;1; Waiting

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You looked around at your fellow inmates; some helping the injured and others keeping to themselves. Of course, you were part of the ones who stood by and just watched. You scanned the deck as Galran citizens helped injured soldiers, prisoners, and other citizens. Your (H/C) bangs covered a (E/C) eye and your scar was reopened (which was painful af btw). Blood slowly dripping down your cheek, you took slow steps forward towards Haggar, who was standing on the deck staring into the distance. You got a vibe from her that seem distraught. It was one you haven't ever felt from her before.

You stood feet from her just behind her and off to her left,


She turned to you and you could even see it on her face. Pain; why?

"What do you want, (Y/N)?" She forced out a snarl.

"What would you have us do?"

She thought for a moment, "I guess tend to the injured; not that I can trust you with that."

She was still under the assumption that you were the one who poisoned the apprentice all those dekaphobes ago. The memory hurt you so, watching your beloved prince be sent away-

Now is not the time to be thinking about that.

You kept a stare on Haggar until she gave more orders,

"Find more medical equipment and give it to the guards and soldiers."

"...Yes, Priestess.." You turned and slowly walked away towards the crowd of injured and possibly dead. You practically swallowed the venom you wanted to pour into the word priestess.

Sendak was nowhere to be found. In fact, you hadn't seen him in a VERY long time. Good riddance. Thankful you hadn't seen him(out of fear for his safety, that is).

You found a few boxes of medical equipment. You thought and thought and thought about the one in your cell. You kept it hidden away.

...no, I should give it to them. Doesn't matter if they hate me or if they treated me so wrong.

You ran all the way back to your cell. That triangle/trapezoid-shaped cell that was down at the of a hall and around a corner. Anyone could easily walk by you and never notice you were there. You swung the door open and ransacked your bed. Flipping over that uncomfortable-as-all-hell mattress to reveal a small slit in the middle. Reaching in you felt the tiny medical kit that Lotor lent you all those years ago. When you and Sendak got into a fight and you completely disowned him as your sibling. You kept that kit to dress your wound on your face. The one you now know as the scar across your right cheek.

Jogging back, you made it just in time to find one last soldier not bandaged up and out of medical supplies.

Throk?.. of course... You inwardly groaned. Oh, how you and Throk didn't get along.

Other soldiers were struggling to move him and you walked up behind Commander Prorok to hand him the kit; never taking your gaze off Throk, who glared up at you. Hey bitch, I don't have to help you. Be grateful I'm not slitting your throat.

"Here," you handed the kits out to Prorok and he slowly took them, eyeing you the whole time.

You finally looked up and locked stares with the commander and after a few seconds, placing your hand over your heart and begrudgingly murmured,

"Vrepit Sa."

It was only a varga later when Haggar commanded all prisoners to be locked up again. Some protested, which promptly got the killed on the spot.

You said nothing as you walked back to your cell. Right before you walked into it, you felt two taps on your hand. You turned your head and a pair of ice blue eyes caught your attention.


Lesiva was locked up for actual criminal reasons, unknown to you. She was living out her sentence and soon to be free so long as she didn't fuck it up again.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), did you hear?"

"Hm?" You looked at her with curiosity. Lesiva always got news from all over the empire. One time you saw someone, a guard, slip her a note and then kiss her forehead. Yes, you and Lotor weren't the only pair who hid their love from the empire in fear of never seeing each other again due to that "forbidden, unwritten rule."

Only.. people found out about us...

I mean, it was kinda hard not to guess that you two had something after he saved your ass mere milliseconds from being executed by Lord Zarkon himself. His own father...

Guards walked through and checked the doors to make sure they were locked and Lesiva continued,

"Fonos told me some news about Zarkon-"

You cut her off in an instant, "Lesiva, I don't want to hear it-"

"He's bedridden."

You turned towards her grabbing the cell bars in front of you,


Lesiva nodded excited, her dull shade of maroon colored hair swaying around her dark red face. Lesiva was a female galra of different shades of red, as you were different shades of (S/C). Her blue eyes stood out like your (E/C) ones. Yet you were nothing the same, you and Lesiva. You were framed; she actually committed a crime. You were stuck rotting in a cell for the rest of your life; she was getting out soon. You: serene affliction; Her: ambitious mischief.

She nodded excitedly, "Yes! Fonos said he'd bring me more news on it once he knew any. We might be getting out soon, (Y/N)!"

Your (F/C) galra ears drooped and brows furrowed with agony,

"You will be. I won't."

Lesiva's tiny red ears fell, "Don't be so down-"

"You know it's the truth. As long as that witch is in charge, I'm not getting out of here. She'll make sure I won't. It's like her main goal in life or something."

Lesiva looked down, "I-" she sighed irritably with sadness, "I'm just trying to.. make you feel better."

You looked at her with grief-stricken eyes. Just when you thought you were all dried out, a tear rolled down your face,

"I know, Lesiva.."

She never looked back up at you, just turned and crawled into bed. The lights went out and you couldn't see two feet in front of you. Using the wall, you guided yourself back to your bed. Just laying on top of the blanket, you closed your eyes and let it all out. Silently of course, or you'd get a beating. Tears crossing the bridge of your nose and the other cheek as you lie on your side, your back to the cell doors and bars.

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