IremKadi: Ask Lucy

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Question Aww, that's soo kawaii!! Can I ask to Lucy? If I can, here is the same question to Natsu! What about Natsu-nii is it that you like?

Lucy: About Natsu? That's easy! He showed me to Fairy Tail, and I think our story seemed like a Fairy Tale. He's not like Loke, a playboy, or Taurus, who's a pervert. Natsu's more of the weird kind, but I guess the same goes to everyone in Fairy Tail! And even if we're not much of a couple, there's always the fact that we share the deepest bonds with each other. He saved me many times when I needed it, but he could be a little dense at times. But, I guess. . . Overall, Natsu's most likely the only boy I'd like in that way.

((Okay... So... Let's not make Ask Lucy a regular thing since it means I have to be sociable OOC and ask a favor since, well... She's better at Lucy than I am.))

 Source: Xx_LucyHeartfilia_xX

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