A Date (Chapter 13)

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'DING DONG!' You ringed the doorbell. The door was opened by Jimin this time.

"Annyeong! Come in! Come in!" he said politely. Hyerin and you walked in. She went over to Hobi, who was sitting on the couch. They went to his room to play video games. You turned to Jimin, who was the same height as you.

"Is Namjoon here?" you asked him.

"Ahh, no. He went out while before. Sorry." he said.

"Oh. Well then, do you know where he went?" you asked.

"Park (Jimin xD)?" he suggested.

"Tha-" "OH! And! Uhh.. GIRL!" he shouted and interrupted you.

"Huh? Girl?" you asked confused.

"He went with girl."

"A girl!? What did she look like?" you asked. What if it's the girl.

"Long brown hair. Brown eye. Big boobies." he described.

"What was she wearing?" you asked since the description before wasn't really helping.

"Jeans. Pink shirt with heartu." he said.

"Was there a bow on the shirt?" you asked in suspicion.

"Ne! A bow! And red converse!" he said.

"Oh god!"

You quickly ran. You were running to the park. You pulled out your phone and opened up Twitter. Sure enough, you found what you were looking for.

As soon as you saw it, you stopped running.

You didn't need to get to the park to know what was going on.




On your phone, there was a picture opened up. It was uploaded to Twitter and Instagram just a few minutes ago.

On the picture, there where Namjoon and Laura.

He had his arm around her neck while she was holding the phone and smiling.




Is it her? Is she the girl?




Couldn't be. She just moved to town. Namjoon had already fallen in love long before that.

Let's see. The concert was last Sunday, she could've come here for it. She probably met Namjoon after the concert. Then, she heard that BTS are staying here so she, being the sasaeng that she is, decided to stay here. She bought a house or rented an apartment and enrolled in the school. They probably didn't make her go to school through the week and that's why she only just came to school today. 

That would make sense, but that's just a theory. (A game theory :P)

It might not be true, but it made sense. And if it made sense, it was worth considering. You started walking back home. You were in thought, so you didn't hear the footsteps approaching.

"Hey, Nina!" Namjoon said to you as he caught up.

"Oh, hey oppa. What are you doing here?" you asked.

"I'm just walking home. You?"

"Yeah, me too."

"Look, I'm sorry about that thing yesterday. I shouldn't have been so mean to you and Jin. I already apologized to him so we're alright. Can you forgive me?" he said and looked at you with puppy eyes.

"Hmmmm.. let's seee..." you pretended to think about it.

"Alright, I'll forgive you if you treat me wih some ice cream. I had a tough day at school today." you said.

"Fine, let's go." he took your hand and you two walked together to an ice cream shop.


"I'l have (favorite ice cream flavour), please." you ordered.

"Me too." he said.

"Alright, here you go. You two are such a cute couple." the ice cream lady said. You blushed at that.

"Thank you." Namjoon said with a smile and took his ice cream.

You looked at him weirdly but didn't say anyhing. You both walked to a bench with your ice creams and sat down.

"Okay, what was that?" you asked him.


"She said we're a cute couple. We're not even a couple and you just said 'thank you'!?" you started rambling.

"Well you didn't seem to mind." he said.

"I did!"

"Well, why didn't you say so?" he said in a giggle.

"Ugh. Whatever." you didn't want to start a fight again.

You two ate your ice creams and he took you home.


"Thanks for the ice cream. I'll come over tomorrow. See y-" "Wait!" he interrupted you.


"Shouldn't a girl kiss a boy after he took her on a date?" he asked.

"Not this girl." you said.

"Pleaseee! At least one on the cheek!" he begged cutely. You just couldn't resist him.

"Fine!" You quickly pecked him on the cheek.

"BYE!" you told him as you shut the door.

You took yout phone and imidiately dialed Hyerin. When she picked up, you told her everything.

"But, even if he's so obssesed with some girl, who may be Laura, I'd be happy with just being his friend." you said.

"Gurl, are u stupid?" Hyerin said with sass.

"No! Why would you say that?"

"Because! It's obvious that the gurl is you!"


"Think about it! Would he really ask you for a kiss is he was crazy in love with another girl? Would he even be so nice to you and take you on a date?" she explained.

It did make sense, actually.

"Well, I just-" " NOPE! It's 100% you! You are the gurl, guuurl" she said.

"Oki, I gotta go to sleep now. Kisses!" she said and hung up.

Later that night, you were lying in bed, thinking about what Hyerin has told you. Is it true? What about that selfie with Laura? How do they even know each other?

You have to find out!

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