Bella Finds Out the Truth

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Cleo's POV

"You know Sam will be pissed if he finds out you're telling Bella about us" I tell Jacob as we walk to Bella's.

"I'm not, just going to ask her to remember something from before I knew any of this was real. She'll figure it out by herself" he states.

"Sam will still be upset, but I won't stop you" I assure him. We reach Bella's house and I lean against the tree out of view. While Jake chucked rocks at Bella's window until she opened it. I hear the window open as I keep watch.

"Jacob?You scared me" Bella tells him confused.

"Back up, I'm coming up" Jacob tells her and backs up a little himself. Before running and scaling up the side of the house using the tree as leverage. Swinging himself into her room.

"Hey look, I'm sorry" I hear Jacob tell her.

"For what?" Bella asks him.

"I wish I could explain, but I literately can't" Jacob states. "Have you ever has a secret? One that wasn't yours to tell? well that's what it's like for me, only worse, you have no idea how tight I'm bound" he tells her.

"I hate this, I hate what they've done to you" Bella tells him. I roll my eyes in annoyance we've done nothing but help him. She is such a little brat blaming us when she knows nothing about us or what we do.

"I mean the killer part is you already know. Bella do remember when we walked the beach at La Push, the story?" Jake asks her.

"The story about the cold ones" Bella states.

"Guess I understand why that's the only part you remember" Jake mumbles. Suddenly the others howl for us in the distance. "I've got to go, please just try to remember" he tells her. Once he was beside me we ran of into the forest. Hid from each other as we undressed tying our clothes to our legs. Shifting into our wolves and then run back to our territory.

'Why have you two been?' Sam asks as we meet the pack.

'Patrolling the Cullens old land for the red headed vampire, no luck' I tell him. Sam believes me and sets us up into our teams for the night. But tells me, I have the day off tomorrow and I told him I'd go hang out with Emily while they were on patrol. With that we go on patrol and I leave at midnight to go to Emily's.

She meets me outside once I was human again and we go inside. She'd made me dinner and I ate it happily. Before changing into the pj's she'd given me and fall asleep in the spare bedroom.

(Next morning)

When Emily woke up she decided she wanted to bake so here we are making muffins. 'Cleo, Jared and Embry are on their way with Bella. She knows and I need some help with Jacob and Paul' Sam says in my head.

"I have to go Emily, but Jared and Embry will be here soon with a guest" I tell her.

"Of course, thanks for the help Cleo" she tells me smiling. I decide to just shift as the clothes I'm wearing are old. Then take off into the forest following Jacob's scent. Once I found him and Paul brawling I stand beside Sam.

'What is the plan?' I ask him.

'You grab Paul, I grab Jacob' he instructs. I jump grabbing Paul by the scruff pulling him away from Jacob. 'Both of you calm down now!' Sam orders them once we got them apart. Once they calmed down we released them and I lead the way back to Emily's place. We shift changing into the spare clothes we left in the forest.

Sam and I enter the house first, where he greets Emily with kisses. Paul sits down beside Jared apologizing to Bella as Jared gives Embry money. When they saw Jacob at the door unharmed. He takes Bella away towards the beach as I sit beside Embry. "Does everything have to be a competition with you two?" I ask.

"Yep, except this time I won" Embry states proudly and we all chuckle. We continue to eat muffins discussing patrol and the red headed vampire. When Jacob finally returns he tells us how the red headed Vampire is after Bella.

"Edward killed her mate and she wants to get back at him by killing Bella" Jacob explains.

"Won't work, he left her for a reason" Jared states.

"True, if he cared for her. He would of never left in the first place" Paul states.

"Well we can't let the vampire hurt Bella" Embry adds.

"What do you think Sam? It's your call" I tell him.

"We'll take turns guarding Bella's house, unless the Cullens return" he tells us. "Embry, Cleo you have the first shift while the rest of us patrol our territory" he instructs. "But we'll change shifts every hour allowing one person to rest. I'm taking the first break as I have a date planned for Emily and I" he explains.

"You're the boss alpha" Jared says shrugging.

"I expect you to keep those two in line" Sam tells him pointing to Paul and Jacob.

"How about Jake comes with me and Embry goes with Jared & Paul" I suggest. "You know Jacob and I are a killer team" I remind Sam.

"Fine, but just for tonight" Sam tells me and Jacob smiles at me. We spend the rest of the day at Emily's and even went to the beach. Before Jacob and I shifted heading to Bella's house. After Sam told us Embry and Jared will relieve us in the an hour. Then Jacob has a break while I patrol our territory with Jared and Sam. Afterward the next break is mine along with Paul while Sam and Jared watch Bella's house. Embry and Jacob will continue to patrol our territory. It was all planned out for tonight, so we just had to follow it. The others would wake us when it was time for our next shift. I can't wait till more people shift, we'd get more rest and there's be less work.


Video above of Bella hitting Paul then Jacob and Paul fighting. Pictures above of Jacob asking Bella about the day they walked on La Push.

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