Cliff Diving

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Cleo's POV

It's been about a week since I phased and turns out I'm the fastest wolf in the pack. I am now the packs Beta and have become friends with everyone. Even Paul who is like a younger brother to me. Sam is a year older then me while the other three of three years younger then me. My cousins aren't thrilled about my new friends, but I've hardly seen them since I phased. Because my temper is worse and they're not allowed to know what I am. Unless they shift, are someones imprint, former shifter or a counsel elder like Uncle Billy, Aunt Sue and Uncle Harry.

Today the boys want to go cliff diving which sounds like fun. I change into my red/brown one piece bathing suit and put on black shorts. I grab my towel and then follow the others to the highest cliff. Embry and Paul then start to push Jared towards the edge after I had looked down. We were high up, but that just makes it more fun.

Sam and I laugh as Jared jokingly calls for help. Just as he is pushed over the edge I notice someone watching us from the road. Embry flips off the edge yelling and Paul comes over to me. "Oh hell no" I tell him and try to run. But he picks me up bridal style and runs off of the cliff. Luckily I had already taken my shorts off.

"You jerk!" I shout splashing him and we both laugh. "I wanted to do on my own the first time" I tell him pouting.

"You beat me back to the top and you can go by yourself" he bargains and I swam to the shore. Once there I run to the forest and back up the the cliff with him not far behind me. I see Embry and Jared already back and grab their hands saying run. They do so and we all jump off the cliff before Paul can catch us.

"Why did we jump?" Embry asks when we surface.

"To escape Paul" I tell him and we laugh. We all go to the beach to relax and dry off in the sun. "I can't believe I've never cliff dived before, that was so much fun" I tell them.

"We try to go everytime the water is high and calm enough" Jared states.

"Unless we're patrolling or training" Sam states.

"No talk of that today Sam, today is our day off" I remind him. "You boys go kick the ball around, I'm going to work on my tan" I tell them. They agree and I put my sunscreen on as Sam grabs the ball. I lay on my pack as they start to play two on two game. After tanning for an hour we all go into the water before having lunch Emily had packed for us.

(Two hours later)

We went cliff diving again before Sam said it was time to get back to work. Embry and I are on patrol tonight with Jared. Sam has a date with Emily and Paul was catching up on some sleep. It's strange sharing my thoughts with four guys, but I'm getting used to it. I've also learnt to block them out. Tonight Jacob was out at the cinema with Bella and her friends seeing Face Punch. But Sam to keep an ear out as Jacob should shift any day now.

(One hour later)

Suddenly I heard a new voice in my head and I knew the other two had heard it as well. 'Get Sam now' I tell Jared and he leaves. Embry and I follow Jacob's thoughts to a clearing. 'Jake relax, everything is okay' I assure him.

'Cleo, is that you? Where are you?' he asks in his head. I tell Embry to stay put and step into the moon light for Jake to see me. 'Cleo stay away there is a wolf!' Jake yells in my head. I couldn't help it and fall to the ground as I start to laugh.

'Stop laughing Cleo' Sam orders and I stop standing to attention. Jake looks at me confused as Sam comes into view with the other three. I tell Jake it was ok and he looks at me.

'Cleo is that you?' he asks.

'Who else numb nuts?' I ask making Embry chuckle. 'Being a wolf suits you Jake, there is a lot to explain. But do not worry, Sam will explain everything' I assure him nodding to Sam beside me. So Sam explains everything to Jake who refuses to become Alpha. So he becomes Beta while I go back to being a normal pack member. Jared stays third in command and we all head to Emily's place.

'So this is why you two left?' Jake asks Embry and I.

'Yeah sorry Jake, but I could not tell you or Quil' Embry says apologetically.

'Do not worry Uncle Billy knows, so you do not have to hide from him. Just your sisters' I state and he nods his head. Once we reach Emily's we all shift back and Sam got Jake some clothes to wear. Emily introduces herself to Jake as Jared and Paul go out on patrol. Embry and I stayed behind to explain things to Jake. As I am his cousin and Embry is one of his best friends.


Picture above of the view from the top of the cliff. Picture of Cleo in her bathing suit on the external link.

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