Jacob Black

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Billy and Jacob's house: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/ed/2b/f8/ed2bf8d8d953714d810a90bcff7c1ac8.jpg

Cleo's POV

I had little breakfast before getting my stuff and calling a taxi. The driver dropped me off at the Forks Inn. I checked in before deciding to find out where La Push was from here. So I head down to the police station and ask for the sheriff.

"How may I help you?" he asks.

"I was wondering if you could give me directions to La Push and the Black family house?" I ask him.

"What's you business with the Black family?" he asks.

"My parents we friends of theirs and died recently, so I came to deliver the news" I explain.

"Well I was going to go there after my shift, I'm a friend of Billy's" the sheriff says smiling gently. "You know he has two girls your age, but both are out of town at the moment. But you'll meet his son Jacob" he explains.

"He has a family? I did not know that" I mumble to myself. "So when do you finish your shift?" I ask him smiling.

"Five minutes, if you wait outside I can take you to Billy's" he tells me and I nod my head. So I go outside and text Amanda about what I had just found out. She wishes me good luck and says that Ricky says hello. Soon the sheriff exits the station and we get into his police cruiser. "So what's your name?" he asks as he starts the drive to La Push.

"Cleo, so you say Billy has kids what's his wife like?" I ask.

"Sarah Black formerly known as Sarah Wilde, died in a car accident a few years ago" he says.

"My parents were killed by a drunk driver, he's sentence to twelve years in prison" I tell him. It was silent for the reminder of the ride to Billy's house. When we reached a red house in La Push we see a teenage boy with long hair.

"Hey Charlie" he says smiling when we get out of the car.

"Hey Jacob, we're here to see your father" the sheriff tells him.

"Can I have a minute sheriff?" I ask and he nods his head before entering the house. "So your Jacob, Billy's son?" I ask the teen and he nods his head.

"What's your name?" he asks.

"Cleo, so do you two live here alone?" I ask him.

"Yeah, just been the two of us since mum died and my sisters left" he states.

"It must of been hard, but at least you had each other" I tell him.

"It was hard, I don't know what I'd do without Dad" he tells me. That hits me hard, because even though I have my friends. I didn't have any family to help me through my parents death.

"Is there a place where I can go clear my head?" I ask him.

"Yeah, there's a beach just down the road it's usually quiet" he says pointing.

"Thanks can you tell the sheriff I'll find my own way back to Forks?" I ask and he nods his head. I then head for the beach and then end up sitting on a log thinking about what to do. Also trying not to cry as I take deep breaths.

"Hey you ok?" a young voice asks and I look up to see another teen boy younger then Jacob with a girl around my age.

"Yeah, just have a lot on my mind" I tell him.

"I'm Seth and this is my sister Leah, you're not from around here. Are you?" he asks.

"That obvious hey?" I ask smiling sheepishly.

"It is a small town" Leah states with some attitude.

"Be nice Leah" Seth tells her and she leaves. "Sorry about her, she was dumped recently and now the guy is engaged to our second cousin" he explains.

"That's a little harsh" I tell him. "Poor Leah, so do you know a Sue Clearwater?" I ask him.

"Yeah she's my mum, why?" he asks and I cringe when he says the 'm' word.

"No reason I gotta go, it was a mistake coming here" I tell him before running off into the woods. Seth tried to call me back, but I blocked his voice out. As I was running through the woods I stumble across someone laying on the ground in a fatal position. "Are you ok miss?" I ask nudging her gently.

"He left" I hear her mumble.

"Miss are you hurt?" I ask trying to get her to sit her up and I hear a growl. We both look towards it and I could of sworn I saw huge black wolf step into the shadows. "Ok we have to leave now" I tell her.

"Bella" someone calls and a shirtless man steps out of the shadows. "Bella" he says looking at the girl I was holding. "Here, I'll carry her" he says and picks her up then I follow him out of the woods. We appear at a house and the sheriff takes the girl from the man called Sam thanking him. He then heads inside and I see Sam looking at a man in a wheel chair then Jacob & I. Before he leaves disappearing into the woods.

"Are you ok?" a voice asks and I turn to see the guy in the wheel chair had approached me.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I tell him.

"Dad we should be getting back" Jacob says approaching us.

"You're Billy Black?" I ask the man and he nods his head.

"This is the girl I told you about, Cleo right?" Jacob asks and I nod my head.

"Why did you want to see me?" Billy asks.

"I believe you knew my mum, Emmie Black" I tell him and he looks at me shocked.

"I think you should stay with us tonight Cleo, we'll discuss this tomorrow" Billy tells me. Knowing he wouldn't take no for an answer I nod my head. So we get into Jacob's car and he drives us back to La Push. Once there I'm given some of Jacob's older sisters old pj's to sleep in. I use a spare tooth brush to brush my teeth before falling asleep on the couch.


Picture above of Cleo Uley and picture on the external link of Jacob Black.

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