The thieves: Gavin and Aura

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Skales felt weird in this form. He was once a powerful and special Primarina, but now he's a weak and small Popplio. He looked at his fins, then his appearance as sighted.

"Hey Skales, you okay?" Snowflake the little Alolan Vulpix asked as Skales was suprised by Snowflake appearing out of no where. He then calmed down and looked at Snowflake then turned away from her, looking at Gumaz playing rough with Kuni. "Yeah... Im fine. It's just that... I can't take it knowing that Eclipse was possesed by that Ultra Beast and me being de-evolved into a Popplio!.." Snowflake looked at Skales as she began to rub his back with her little paws. "It's okay Skales, everything will be alright!"

"Thats not all, yesterday I found Eclipse's Z crystal. I was so happy to finally find something that belonged to Eclipse. But then it vanished!  Someone took it!" Snowflake's eyes widened as she looked at Skales. "Really?!" She said as Skales nodded. "Really! I tried to chase the figure that stole the z crystal that once belonged to Eclipse. But then another one pushed me as I was knocked out. All I can hear was their murmurs about them stealing that crystal and their steps growing softer and softer as it dissapeared. I managed to come back here looking tired and stuff..." Snowflake tilted her head as she replied, "Oooh! No wonder you were sleeping the for the rest of the day yesterday!" Skales nodded as he looked angry and upset at the same time. "Why don't we ask help from Charlie?" Skales didn't agree with that one, he looked at Charlie then back at Snowflake. "I can't! I don't need help, I need to find that Z crystal on my own. To prove everyone... EVRYONE that I'm still strong as a Popplio!" He shouted, getting everyone's attention, including Charlie as he began to flop towards the door as he went out from the house to look for the Z crystal. Charlie looked unsure with what Skales was doing as the others ignored him. Snowflake went on top of Charlie as she tapped his back, trying to get his attention. "Charlie, should we look for him?"

"Maybe we should give him some time..." he looked at Snowflake as Snowflake blushed,looking away from him. Skales, on the other hand was runnung around the wild, in search of the electrium Z crystal. But then he bumped into a Beedril, making it mad as he began to chase Skales. Skales managed to outrun the Beedril and hide from it. But when he left his hiding spot, he realized he was deep within the forest. He began to regret his decision but didn't care as he continued to look for the Z crystal.

Meanwhile, Snowflake stood outside of the house, waiting for Skales as Cupcake approached her. Sitting next to her, "Worried about Skales huh?" Snowflake look scared. What if Skales never made it back? What if Neclipse took him? It was endless! "Yeah... I'm kinda worried about him." Cupcake looked at the forest as she stood up. "You should go and look for him!" Cupcake said as Snowflake looked suprised as she stood up as well.

"Really?! But what about Charlie?" Cupcake opened the door and looked back at Snowflake. "I'll tell Charlie that your outside training. Just go while you still can!" She went inside of the house as Snowflake nodded and went straight towards the forest. Meanwhile, Skales was still roaming around the forest as he tripped on something. It was the Z crystal! "Yes! Finally!!!" He picked it up without hesitation. Until something hit his back. The impact was like a huge burst as he fell to the ground, dropping the Z crystal. He turned around and saw a Lucario wearing a sharp tooth neckale that belonged to either a Sharpedo or any pokemon with sharp teeth and a wrist band with a red feather design on it. "Alright! I got another one, Aura!" He said to his partner who was a shiny riolu wearing a scarf that has a fightinium Z crystal in it as he also rejoiced to his partner's accomplishment. "Yehoo!!! Finally! Wait... Gavin, isn't that the same Popplio that tried getting back the Z crystal?" Gavin looked at the Popplio as he grinned and summoned a long bone to use it to attack Skales. "Yep! Say tiny, what'cha want from this crystal ey? Its nothing but a Z crystal!" Skales looked at Gavin the Lucario as he stood up and looked at the 2 with anger. "That belonged to Eclipse the mighty Lunala!!! You... you... Thieves!" Gavin looked at Aura as the 2 bursted into laughter. "Wai-wait! You have a crush on that Lunala? Hah! Try getting past the powerful Primarina who likes her-"

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