The Egg+Ally and Velvet

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Charlie watched over the egg for the entire morning as some minded their own business and some watched Charlie in his unusual soft part moment. "Is he too attached to that egg?" Kuni asked Gumaz as they were hiding somewhere Charlie can't see them... Yet. "Eeehh probably, this is Charlie's first time being near a pokemon... Egg that doesn't fear him." Gumaz said as Charlie began to look at their direction, making Mystery think that he found them. "Guys! I think he found us!" Mystery panicked as Gumaz looked at Mystery, "Nonsense! He will never find us here!" With that, they were actually hiding behind a bush near Charlie and completely managed to glue some twigs onto themselves. Charlie stood up with the egg beside him and pushed the bush away and revealed the 3 pokemon spying him and the egg. "Guys... Care to explain?..." Kuni looked at Charlie as he was about to speak. "... It was Gumaz's idea..." Charlie looked at Gumaz as Gumaz looked like she was kinda frightened by Charlie as she ran away with Mystery and Kuni. Charlie went back to the egg and saw that the egg... Was gone! He started to panick as he ran back to the house and slammed the door open. "Wheres the egg!?" They all looked at him, and to their suprise, they saw Aunt Nancie. Here for the first time, but only for a short while. "Whats this egg doing here Charlie?" She asked the pokemon as Charlie tried to speak to Nancie, but she didn't even payed attention to him. Usually when pokemons gain full trust on their trainers and spend a lot of time together, they can finally telepathically talk to them and others. But none of them doesn't like Nancie, since she leaves them alone due to her job and forgets to do what Ally says to her when it comes to watching over her pokemons. "Charlie, nows not the time to play around! I have to go and im taking this egg with me." As she went out from the door, Cupcake blocked her way as she snatched the egg back. With that, Nancie hit the "wild" pokemon with her bag as the impact threw Cupcake to ground as she protected the egg and avoid it from cracking. Cupcake looked at Nancie as Nancie had a disgusting look along with Armando who was at her side, ready to attack Cupcake. Before that, Charlie stood infront of Armando and Nancie, protecting Cupcake and the egg. Armando turned his tail around Charlie as he went to Nancie's side. Nancie looked confused but finally understood, Charlie knew the stray pokemon and wanted to keep the egg, "You know this pokemon?..." Charlie didn't answer an instead, nodded. "I am so sorry! I didn't mean that! I was... Scared! I thought you were gonna eat the egg." Cupcake looked at her and just smiled, saying that its okay. "Im sorry Charlie, I remember Ally saying that any hurt or stray pokemon that helped you guys can stay. Well then... She can, now Charlie. I want you to tell everyone that I wont be back home for 3 days because of something important going on the grocery. Alright? Bye! Oh and Im taking Armando." She walked off together with Armando looking at Charlie and Cupcake with cruelty, "Good luck dum-dum." He said to Charlie before following Nancie.

When the 2 went inside, Kuni looked at Charlie and went to his side. "Whats new boss?" Charlie looked at Kuni then Skales as he saw him sleeping on top of Prince. "Nancie won't be here for 3 days." All of them looked shock on what Charlie said. It even woke Prince up! "That means we can-" "PARTY HARDY!!!" Kuni said grabbing Mimiclap and putting him on his head to resemble a party hat. "No! We can plan things out to save Eclipse." Skales finally woke up and went on to Charlie's face, "Why didn't you wake me up!?" Saying that, he went down from Charlie then onto the table. "Everyone listen! All we need to do is just attack Neclipse until Eclipse comes ba-" Charlie interrupted Skale's idea, "Sorry Skales, your a... Popplio and we're scared that you might be gone... For real when we battle Neclipse, so leave the ideas to me before master Ally comes back." Skales looked at Charlie as he began to try to slap him with his flippers. "No! Im gonna rescue her 'cause I-" he then fell asleep like he got knocked out. Seeing this, Charlie grabbed him and put him onto Armando's place where he usually sleeps. "Alright, we'll discuss this as soon as Ally and Velvet leave." Then they heard knocks comming from the door, when the door opened. It showed a young trainer with long hair, side-swept bangs, and wearing a purple dress with shorts comming in. It was Ally, their trainer and the first champion in the alolan region. Next to her was her close friend, Velvet. A young trainer with pink hair and a ribbon on the left side of her hair, wearing a shiny umbreon jacket and dark brown shorts along with brown sneakers. "Guys!" Ally said as they all tackled Ally and started to embrace her, some tearing up. Ally comforted them as she stood up, "Im so happy to see you!" Charlie then hid Skales under a blanket on Armando's resting place, Ally went to Charlie and began to pet him and huged him afterwards. "Hey Charlie! How's everything going?" Ally said as Charlie enjoyed the pets from his master. "Going good, master-" "Now, now Charlie. You can call me Ally if you want." Charlie flushed and slooked away from Ally. "S.. Sorry Ally..." Ally then hugged Charlie, comforting him. "Its okay." Kuni then went to Ally's side as she also pet Kuni. "Hows Kuni with y'all by the way?" "Still a scaredy cat..." Thunderclap said as Kuni growled at him. "Shut up Thunderclap!" Ally began to chuckle as Velvet's special Incineroar with a hook mark on his tail named Maui and her shiny Umbreon, Toa came out. "Well hello Charlie! How's life goin' for ya?" Maui began to nudge Charlie as Charlie gave no expression. "Going okay, Maui... Leave me alone..." Toa then realized Cupcake and the egg and saw Cupcake's amulet as he went close to her without letting her know. "Shiny... SHINY!" He grabbed the amulet as Cupcake began to chase after Toa while holding the egg. When she got her amulet back, Ally and Velvet saw her. Ally saw the Weavile and went close to her as she knelt down to see her face to face and the egg. "Hello. Your a Weavile right?" Cupcake nodded as Charlie and Kuni went to Cupcake's side, protecting Cupcake and the egg. "Is this an egg? Where did it come from?" Charlie stood by Ally's side as he responded. "Liam and Cupcake said they found it at the back of the house during the middle of the night." Ally looked at the egg and began to rub it. "Cupcakes your name huh?" Cupcake then nodded as Ally began to pet her head,Cupcake then enjoyed with what Ally was doing as she smiled at her. "heh, your kinda cute. I know i wouldn't wanna catch you but... I wanna say this, welcome to the family Cupcake." Ally then hugged Cupcake as Cupcake started to shed some tears, finally getting the love she deserved. "Thank... You..." Ally finally understood Cupcake, meaning that she has full trust on Ally. Ally then stood up and looked at Charlie. But it all stopped as Velvet asked a certain auestion that got all of Ally's pokemon in shock. "Where's Skales and Eclipse?" Charlie began to look nervous as he step infront of everyone. " They're out having some adventures!"
"Hm.. Okay, i can see why not. Well, im sorry but we have to go." Ally looked sad as she said that, "Yeah, my mom said we have to go now. Shes been texting me nonstop!" Velvet said as she made Maui and Toa return into their pokeballs and ran outside and waited for Ally. Ally looked at everyone, shed one tear and wiped it away as she waved good bye to everyone before closing the door. Inside, Charlie looked at everyone then carried the egg and took the blanket off of Skales. "That.. Was close!" Mimiclap said as Charlie started to think of something. "Luckily she didn't ask where. Im not good with stuff like that." Cupcake then began to smile as she finally felt like she was loved for the first time... By a human! Cupcake stopped as she notice the egg rolled out of Charlie safely as it rolled to the door. Ally, unfortunately forgot to close it properly as the door creaked open by the wind, letting the egg roll out of the house. Cupcake then got Charlie's attention as Charlie started to panick and tried to find the egg. After a few hours, they finally found the egg in the forest. Cupcake picked it up and carried it for Charlie as Charlie began to notice something out there. It was a Lycanroc in its Midday form... But something was off with it. Its eyes were all red as its appearance looked like he has been possesed by a dark type pokemon or worse... Corrupted by someone. Dark markings on its Paw, tail and face as it attacked Charlie by using bite. Charlie flinched as Cupcake attacked him by using night slash while carrying the egg but still protecting it. The Lycanroc eyed on Cupcake and the egg as it charged towards them. Charlie got up and managed to use crush claw on the pokemon, not effective but strong enough to make the Lycanroc faint. When it fainted, the dark markings and its scary appearance started to fade away, making it look like a normal Midday Lycanroc. Charlie began to look at the pokemon as he began to think of something... "Did Neclipse do this?" "Who did this to him?" Those thoughts were running around his head until Cupcake called out for him. Getting his attention, Charlie turned around and saw the egg... It was... Hatching! Finally hatching! Charlie went close to the egg and as he did. The egg finally hatched and it appeared to be an alolan vulpix. A female alolan vulpix, stretching out, the vulpix looked around and saw Cupcake. It then smiled as she began to rub herself onto Cupcake. "A vulpix!" Charlie looked at the vulpix as it looked back onto him. The Vulpix then started to stare onto his eyes, as it went on top of his head. "Hm... Maybe we can name her... Snowflake?" Charlie looked at Snowflake as Snowflake began to speak. "Snow...flake?.. Snowflake! Snowflake! Snowflake!" She repeated as Charlie began to chuckle. "Fine, Snowflake it is!" Snowflake then went on to Charlie's face. "H.. Hello!.. I... Im Snowflake!" Snowflake began to blush and stammer as Charlie looked confused and started to walk while he made Snowflake go onto his back. It was the middle of the night and when they went home, everyone was asleep. Even Kuni, except Liam though. Charlie went to the rug, layed down as Snowflake went to Charlie's side and fell asleep beside him. "Your Charlie?" Charlie looked at Snowflake as he nodded. "Yeah.. Im Charlie..." Snowflake smiled as she yawned and fell asleep while leaning her head onto Charlie's side. Charlie looked at the alolan vulpix as he drifted away to sleep too. He was exhausted with what happened today, he shut his eyes and fell asleep with Snowflake.

To Be Continued...

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