The team and the mystery egg

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When the gang went back to Aunt Nancie's house which was always as usual, empty without any humans in there but had all of Ally's pokemons in there. There was Gumaz,a female Salazzle Ally caught as a Salandit while doing Kiawe's trial. Prince, a male Flareon and Ally's first Eevee she caught but then later on evolved very late. Liam, a male Umbreon and Ally's second Eevee which she recieved from a friend and evolved first than Prince. Emmet, a male Leafeon Ally caught as an Eevee and evolved while doing Mallow's trial. Mystery, a male Espeon Ally found as a weak Eevee but then later on evolved while helping Liam in battle. Armando, a male Vaporeon Ally evolved as an Eevee with a water stone. Lightning, a male Jolteon Ally found as an injured Eevee who struggled to make itself evolve into what its abusive trainer wanted it to be. Amber, a female Glaceon Ally helped evolve into its form now while training for the Pokemon League. Lastly, the 2 new members Ribbon, a female Sylveon Ally took care when it was sick as an Eevee and Melody, an Eevee Ally rescued by Team Skull back then. Those were all the pokemons at Nancie's house present while some went for a walk or probably went for training. "Charlie! Your back." Mystery noticed Charlie through the open door of the house as Liam,Gumaz and Ribbon went to Mystery's side. But then Liam noticed the Weavile with Charlie as he stepped ahead of Mystery and growled. "Who's that?! Why is she here!" Liam said as he glared at the Weavile, as she didn't respond and started to shake in terror with Liam's serious tone. "Speak!" Charlie then stepped infront of the Weavile and blocked her from Liam. "Now's not the time to be so protective and mean, Liam!" Amber then went to Liam's side and started to rub her head onto Liam's shoulder, "C'mon Liam! What happened to the old Umbreon we all knew who was nice to new guests???" Liam's serious look then started to fade away by Amber. "Fine... She can come in..." Charlie gladly went inside as Kuni and the rest went inside. Then Gumaz started to realize the little popplio who looks like Skales Charlie was carrying. She went to Charlie and picked up the little popplio, "woah-ho-ho! Whos the little guy? He looks just like Skales!" Gumaz the leaned close to Charlie. "Did Eclipse and Skales finally did the thing-"
"NO THEY DIDN'T AND THATS SKALES YOUR HOLDING!!! The REAL Skales!" Charlie yelled at Gumaz as she looked at Charlie, then back at the popplio,then back, then at the popplio, back, popplio, back, popplio, back, popplio, until she gently put the Popplio at the table as all lf them gathered around the popplio. Gumaz was still confused with what Charlie said, so she began to chuckle. Thinking that its one of Charlie's "jokes". "Nice one Charlie-boy! Ya got me there for a second back there." Charlie looked pissed with Gumaz on what she was saying,"I'm not joking! Thats really Skales!" "What happened to him? Why is he... Y'know?... So... Little?" Emmet went close to the Popplio as Charlie pushed him away gently with his front left leg, and turned to Emmet with the usual plain and serious look. "Earlier an Ultra Beast known as Necrozma came to the Alolan region without warning as it attacked Eclipse, possesing her and attacking Skales,Me,Kuni,Mimiclap and Thunderclap. Then she absorbed all of Skales' energy, as she dissapeared we thought that Skales died... For real. But then this Weavile found Skales as a helpless Popplio. And here we are... All messed up because of Necrozma... Er..."
"Eclipse?" Kuni said, scratching his head.
"How about Neclipse?... We can call her that for now." The Weavile said as she leaned on the walls while everyone was starring at her. "Yes... Neclipse... Because of Neclipse, Skales is like this and we're all like this." Charlie said, pointing out to him and the rest who battled Neclipse. Then before anything else, the popplio woke up and stretched as it got up, rubbing its eyes. "Ugh... I... Had a dream that... Eclipse... Was... Possesed!?" Everyone turned their attention towards the popplio as it started panicking. "We gotta save Eclipse! She's posseses by that THING!!!" Skales pointed out to the middle of no where as he began to notice that his flippers look odd. He then began to touch and stretch his face, noticing that something was different. And lastly looked at his body, noticing that he looks like a popplio again. With knowing that, Skales began to scream and freak out as the rest,including Charlie began to scream too with the shock that Skales is still... Skales and that he's not like a weak popplio. Charlie then stopped and told everyone to calm down, including Skales, and began to speak to the others, "Guys listen! We can bring Skales back to his old form and rescue Eclipse from Necrozma. But we need to form a team in order to do that and make some plans in order for this to work with success." Gumaz then slapped Kuni's paw when he raises it and started to raise her hand as she was holding Kuni down to avoid him from raising his paw. "Me! Me! Me! I'm comming!!" Then Kuni pushed Gumaz away as he growled at her. "No way! I raised my paw first but then you just pushed it away!" "Wow that was sooo nice of you to push a girl!" Charlie then stomped his front leg as hard as he can that he managed to make the ground shake. Causing the 2 to stop the fight, "Listen, we will decide all of this the next day since we need time to rest, get all the things we need, form a team and plan everything out. Especially the fact that Nancie can come back any time soon!" All of them grew on silence. All except Melody,"i hate Nancie! She always has to leave us here even though master Ally told her to watch over us!" Ribbon petted Melody with one of her ribbons to comfort her. "Now, now Melody. Nancie is buisy due to the fact that she works 24/7 at her job in the grocery." Ribbon went close to Melody, comforting her as the Weavile stepped up. "Charlie is right, we need to get some rest." The Weavile said as some went to their assigned places to sleep and some wanted to stay up all night. The Weavile then looked at the door and decided that its time for her to go, but then Charlie grabbed her arm as she looked at the Type: Null. "If you want, you could stay with us by the meantime." Charlie said to the Weavile as Skales went by her side. "Yeah! After all, i wanna owe ya for knowing that I wasn't dead and wanted to leave me out there!"
"Hey, we thought that you were dead already..." Charlie said as he heard Armando,Prince and Lightning behind him. "You want her to live with US for the night?! In your dreams, i say we let her sleep outside!" Armando, as usual, cruely said as Lightning and Prince blocked his way while looking like they're scared. "Wait Armando, do you really wanna let her sleep outside?" Lightning said as Prince started to nod with what Lightning said, "yeah, do you have any mercy for her?" Armando pushed the 2 away and stepped forward, scaring the Weavile as he went closer. "I show no mercy to strays and dumb, wild pokemons." He said as Charlie stepped forward, looking down at him with anger. Trying to make Armando scared or take a step back, "enough! Ally put me in charge and she said that if there is ever a kind hearted pokemon that helped us or an injured pokemon, we shall give it some of our hospitality and never treat it like an unkonw creature!"
"Like you, Charlie? Ally accepted you, but what about us? Hm?..." Charlie paused as he starred at Armando then looked down at the floor, realizing that he was... Made... He's not a pure pokemon. He was made. Armando turned around, commanding Prince and Lightning to his side as he looked at Charlie, "Didn't think so." He then walked back to his spot where he and the 2 sleep. The Weavile then looked at Charlie and petted his back as that startled Charlie, "I-its okay, don't mind him. He's jealous because your strong and special! Right?" She looked at Skales as he replied, "yeah! He's just messed... Up..." Skales yawned as Charlie picked him up and put him at his back while the Weavile sat outside near the door, starring into the moon. "You comming inside?" Charlie asked as the Weavile replied, "nah, i would like to take some time to adapt to all lf this..." Charlie then turned his back as he stoppped before he sat down on the rug at the middle of the house and looked at the Weavile. "Hey, I haven't catch your name yet,"
"Cupcake... The name's cupcake... Just a nickname i remember, i really dont remember much of my name... Ever since... Before... You can go back to sleep, I'll just stay outside for a minute." Charlie grinned on the inside of his mask as he fell asleep together with the tired Popplio on his back.

The next morning, Charlie woke up along with Amber,Mystery,Emmet,Prince, and the ones who were up last night: Kuni,Liam and Cupcake. Charlie went outside and noticed Kuni,Liam and Cupcake, who fell asleep with Kuni holding and protecting a mysterious egg. Charlie saw Liam, who was the only one up and still awake, and asked him about the egg. "This egg? We found it at the back of the house and figure that maybe we should look after it before Ally comes back for a short visit with Velvet." Charlie was suprised with what he heard from Ally comming back. "Today? For a short while? I thought she would come back after visiting all the regions with Velvet, her mom and Velvet's parents!"
"Well to our suprise, shes comming back tomorrow. We got it last night from Carina." Charlie looked happy, but then it faded as he realized about what happened to Eclipse and Skales as a Popplio once more too. "But what about Eclipse being possesed by Necrozma, and Skales as a Popplio again!?" Charlie's loud voice woke Kuni and Cupcake up as Cupcake began rubbing her eyes and Kuni lazily went back to sleep again. "We'll deal with it later... But maybe for now, we should get some rest and you should watch over the egg." Liam gave the egg to Charlie as he went back inside the house. Meanwhile, Charlie went inside the house carrying the egg as he sat down and started talking to the egg. "So... Your new huh? Heh, welcome to the family little guy... Or girl..." The egg began to move a little to the sound Charlie as he pulled the egg closer to him. Chuckling to the eggs every movement everytime he would speak. "I gotcha little one, I'll protect you-" he stopped as he saw Gumaz,Thunderclap,Mystery and Kuni who finally woke up and went inside the house starring at him as Charlie got the egg and carried it as he stood up, walking away from them as they began to laugh. "Not... A single... Word..." And with that, Charlie walked away from them and went in to find Ribbon,Amber and the rest as the 4 bursted into laughter with what they saw.
"Huh, turns out Charlie has a soft side?" Kuni chuckled as Charlie threw a rock at Kuni's face, making him collapse to the ground.

To Be Continued...

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