°•○Monthly Report {2}○•°

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I'm sure that many of you are confused, I'd be surprised if you weren't though.

Actually, I'm aware of what I did and I apologize.

I wasn't planning to update anything really until close to Thanksgiving. But then out of the blue at 5 o'clock in the morning, my writer's block just magically disappears! So I gave you three chapters and one additional MC in the span of 2 - 3 days. Aren't you proud of me? I hope you are!  ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

But, as the title of this update says, this is a Monthly Report. I guess a MR is where I just tell you the shizz that's going on with my life and all that fun stuff. Like right now, I'm in the car, writing to you guys! Or I was when this goes up... 

I tried to convince my mom to buy me Starbucks because why not? I have all As and schools has been tough. German people, GERMAN! Oh the stress I have to go through everyday...

You know what the highlight of my day was though? The fact that my brother PEED on me while I was changing his pamper! My sweater is soaked and I smell like PEE now. Great.

I'll post a monthly report every month of course so that I can talk to you guys and you can talk to me and give me some tips and advice. So comment and vote away~!

So, about the 3 chapters I had come out... Well, that's because I will try to update next week and during my Thanksgiving break, I have to spend time with family and work on science fair with my partner. So of course, those chapters are prewritten and out for your enjoyment! I plan to post two or three more so be patient with me, okay?

《Don't forget about the cover contest! You have 11 days left!! (^▽^)》

I think that's all I have to say for now... Hm, this is a very short MR...

Don't forget to comment and talk to me because I'm suuuuper lonely, honest to god! ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

☆♡The Twin Fish Love You♡☆

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