I noticed her features, slim figure,  large eyes, plump lips. Her visuals are on strike,  I almost thought she was a walking doll.

I watched her walk, and eventually, she stopped and gave me an unwelcoming look.

"So.." She curled up her lip while looking at me "you're the new one"

I nodded with uncertainty.

And then she shot me a fake smile

"I'm Jaehee. And I'm going to be the leader of this team."


Author's POV:

After Jaehee introduced herself, Halla met the other two trainees.

One of them calls herself "Yuna" (What a horrific coincidence)

They didn't talk to Halla after she asked for their names. One of them even rolled her eyes at her.

Halla just remained silent throughout the whole thing.

The training consisted of silence and dead air. The experience was actually terrible.

The girls danced to girl group songs, which is obviously not okay for Halla.

And Jaehee would often repeat the song every time she sees the smallest mistake.

No wonder her eyes are so big, Halla thought.

While dancing, one of the girls skipped a minor step from the choreo...

Halla watched Jaehee scold the girl from the corner.

Strong feelings embraced her as the atmosphere around the room became heavy.

'This is not the ark... '  Halla thought.

Her eyes started to become watery again...  

'This is not Minju, Yuna, Yujin, nor Jane....'

Soon, she found myself wanting to breakdown and cry as memories of The Ark started appearing in her mind.

All their happy moments together...


All their training...


Halla just bowed her head and focused her gaze on the floor as she tried her best to not let the tears fall.



"LALALALALALA" Yoongi was the first to enter the dorm, covering his ears and making loud noises while being followed by Jhope from behind.

The boys just came home tired from another long day of practice.  

"Believe me! I really saw a ghost last night!" Jhope said, trying to convince the second-eldest.

Yoongi then stopped in his tracks and turned around to face Jhope with a scowl on his face "Ya! Can you stop it with this ghost crap?"

The rest of Bangtan had now entered the dorm, circling around the room while looking at Jhope in a weird manner.

Jhope continued to do his best to convice the members, that he, in fact, saw a ghost last night.

"Ya I saw it with my own eyes!" Jhope then walked towards the kitchen and pointed at the spot where he saw the female.

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