Words From the Stars

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"Violetheart . . . It's okay. Just . . . take care of our . . . daughter. Lilysong needs . . . you. I can't . . . go on from here. I . . . am so sorry . . . my love." Nightblaze gasped for breath. He wasn't done with this life yet. "I want you . . . to defeat . . . Smoke for me. Avenge . . . my death, okay?"

"Nightblaze, don't talk like that!" Violetheart cried.

Nightblaze looked up and saw a starry cat padding towards him. It was Goldenleaf, his mother. Mother, wait one moment. I am not done yet. When Goldenleaf nodded, Nightblaze continued, "I love you . . . Violetheart. Do you . . . love me?"

"Yes," Violetheart whispered. "I love you so much, don't leave me!"

"My mother . . . Goldenleaf . . . is waiting. She . . . was never . . . patient. I . . . must . . . leave . . . goodbye . . . my love." With that last word, Nightblaze let out a sigh. He suddenly felt lighter, and he floated up into the air. Violetheart wailed. I'm sorry, my love. Goldenleaf padded through the sky towards him.

"You have chosen your mate well, my son."

"Mother . . . I have missed you so much."


Violetheart watched as Nightblaze fell to the ground, dead. She wailed, out of pain, loss, grief, and heartbreak. Suddenly, a cat crashed into Violetheart's side. She turned around and spotted Smoke. He was smiling his evil smile, it was so tempting, Violetheart wanted to race over to him and claw his heart out. But she didn't, she prowled over and hissed, "You have caused my family too much suffering! I will end you!"

Then, Violetheart flung herself at the evil cat, clawing his side as she passed by. Smoke yowled in pain and fury. He turned to her, his eyes blazing with hatred. Smoke then jumped at Violetheart, bowling her over and clawing at her soft underbelly. Violetheart winced, but didn't yowl in pain. His life is going to end, right here, right now! Violetheart jumped up at Smoke, feeling her life force dwindling. She aimed her claws right at his neck and- SWIPE! Violetheart fell to the ground, blood splattering her face. Smoke gagged, his neck was sliced open and bleeding a river of blood.

"You have not . . . won yet!" Smoke hissed. He then coughed, and fell to the ground, dead.

"Yes, we have," Violetheart whispered.

"Smoke is dead!" A cat called. That quickly broke up the fighting, and all of the cats from SmokeClan hurried out of the clearing, yowling with pain and fright. Another cat called, "We have won!"

"Wait!" Another cat called. "Look, Violetheart!"

All of the cats that were left standing turned to Violetheart, who crumbled to the ground.

"Mother!" Lilysong cried as she raced to Violetheart.

The clearing held a deathly silence. Lilysong fell down beside Violetheart and cried, "Don't worry, Violetheart, Featherfall will heal you. Everything's going to be okay, don't worry. I-I'll find Nightblaze, and he'll watch you-"

"Lilysong," Violetheart murmured, feeling her life slipping away. Her vision blurred as she continued, "Nightblaze . . . he's dead."

Lilysong wailed. "No! No, I can't lose Sandspirit, Twigtail, Nightblaze and you! I just can't!"

"Lilysong, my daughter," Violetheart meowed. "I have to tell you something. I love you, and I want you to watch out for Finchflower, and Shadestorm. They need you, and Nightblaze needs me. Remember the prophecy; a blazing heart can save them. If they are apart, destruction for us all. In the end, a new flower blossoms new hope. You are the new flower, Lilysong. It was destined from the moment we came to the clan, you would save the clans. And now, the blazing heart is separated. I must join him. Goodbye, my flower, my daughter, our savior."

With that last word, Violetheart let go of the life that she had been clinging so desperately to. A cat appeared beside her. Sandspirit!

"You did the right thing, protecting the forest. Lilysong will take it from here, she will fulfill her prophecy." Sandspirit meowed in Violetheart's ear.

"Sandspirit, I've missed you so much!" Violetheart purred and she greeted her first daughter. As Sandspirit led Violetheart up the path of stars, Violetheart meowed, "She has a great destiny ahead of her. Let her face it bravely, as a warrior."


Lilysong watched as her mother fell to the ground. Her breathing stopped. Lilysong wailed. Shadestorm limped over to her and pressed against her, whispering, "It will be okay. All is not lost; you still have to save the clans."

Lilysong looked up and thought, he's right; I have to be strong, for the cats of the clans, or at least the ones that are left.

"Okay, everyone, listen up!" Lilysong called to the cats. "Anyone who is injured, go to Featherfall, and Silverpoppy! Anyone who can't get to them, Feildfur and Spottedpaw will come to you! Okay, everyone? And where's Flashstar and Fishstar?"

"Flashstar's . . . dead." A cat called out.

Oh no! Not Flashstar, this is bad!

"Fishstar's over here!" Another cat called.

Lilysong raced over to them. Fishstar lay on the ground, his eyes closed. He opened them when Lilysong came over.

"Lilysong," He rasped. "I have something to tell you. StarClan has told me to tell you, you must lead the cats, and re-make the clan. There . . . aren't enough cats to create three clans. You must make a new clan, from the ashes of the old three."

"What about Pinestorm, Splashfern and Robinwing?" Lilysong asked him. Pinestorm, Splashfern, and Robinwing were deputies. What about them?

"Splashfern has already joined StarClan," Fishstar meowed. Cats from the crowd gasped.

"Robinwing was killed by Smoke!" Another cat called. "Before the battle started, when he destroyed FlameClan!"

"And Pinestorm?" Lilysong asked.

"He still has to say something to you," Fishstar meowed. "Lead the clan well."

Fishstar collapsed to the ground. Oh, no! Lilysong quickly found Pinestorm.

"Lilysong, I have to ask you to take care of Redbird for me," Pinestorm meowed.

"No, Pinestorm! You aren't going to die!" Lilysong yowled. Every cat she knew was dying, why?

"I can't change it, young one. It was destiny," Pinestorm meowed. "And tell Redbird to name one of the kits that she will have in the future, in a moon or so, tell her to name it 'Hopekit'. I've always wanted a daughter named Hopekit."

Pinestorm smiled as he sank down onto the soft, blood-stained grass.

"Goodbye, Pinestorm," Lilysong meowed. Then the gathered cats, she meowed, "You heard Pinestorm, Fishstar and Violetheart! Now, everyone, get to one of the medicine cats!"

Cats headed over to the medicine cats. In all, there were about . . . twenty cats left. But the cats listened to Lilysong. Shadestorm stayed at Lilysong's side.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I-I'll be fine." Lilysong didn't look in the eye. "I just . . . need some time . . . to get used to this."

"You'll make a great leader, Lilystar," Shadestorm whispered as he padded over towards Featherfall.

"I hope you're right," Lilysong meowed quietly.

Lone Flower in the Meadow (A Warriors Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang