HopeClan Rises

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I do want to say this now. This story was written back in 2010, the first over 25,000 word story that I've ever written. I wanted to post it here... Warriors (c) Erin Hunter

The next day, the medicine cats had made the cats stay there, since it was already really late, and the clan cats were eager to get away from the blood stained clearing. Lilysong led the cats back towards EarthClan camp. She had also sent a cat to FlameClan camp and to StreamClan camp to get the queens and the elders and bring them back to EarthClan camp.

"Are we there yet?" A black and white apprentice whimpered. He had seen his father and brother die in the battle, so he was still badly shaken.

"Almost, Ravenpaw," Lilysong mewed softly to him, feeling his pain. "Once we get there, Heatherpaw will show you the apprentices den, okay?"

Ravenpaw nodded mutely and followed Heatherpaw, walking beside the light tabby she cat. Lilysong sighed and though of all of the clan cats had been lost. Once they got back to EarthClan camp, Redbird was the first cat there to meet them.

"Lilysong! Why are there so many cats from other clans here?" Redbird mewed. "And where's Pinestorm?"

Lilysong's heart swelled. "I'm so sorry, Redbird. He . . . he didn't make it through the battle."

"No!" Redbird wailed, falling to the ground. Frogfire and Sparrowfire rushed to their mother's side, and brought her back over to the nursery.

"Cat's of the clans!" Lilysong meowed, leaping into the Skytree to address the cats. "I now, since StarClan has told me that I have to be leader, I must chose a deputy." Lilysong paused for a moment. "Bugspirit, you shall be my deputy."

Bugspirit looked up, surprised that he would be the choice. "Bugspirit! Bugspirit! Bugspirit! Bugspirit!" The clan cats called.

"One more thing," Lilysong meowed. "As you all heard Fishstar declare, we shall be one clan from now on. I have though long and hard about this." Lilysong paused again, afraid that they would reject her. "I propose the name 'HopeClan' for the new clan name. What does everyone think?"

After a moment of silence, Shadestorm called, "It's perfect!"

"Yes!" Another cat called, Ravenpaw. "It shows that even though we have had a . . . really bad time with the battle, new hope blossoms, and a clan is formed from the ashes of the last ones."

Every cat was surprised to hear that from an apprentice, especially from the timid little Ravenpaw.

"Yes!" Another cat called, joined in by another and soon all of the cats. "Lilystar! Lilystar!"

Lilystar? When did I become Lilystar? "I am not Lilystar yet!" Lilysong wailed. "I will be only when, and if, I receive my nine lives from StarClan!"

"Then you will go tonight, right?" Silverpoppy called. "HopeClan will be waiting."

"Yes," Lilysong murmured. "I will go tonight. One of the medicine cats shall come with me."

"I will!" Silverpoppy called.

"Thank you," Lilysong meowed. "That is all!"

"HopeClan! HopeClan! HopeClan! HopeClan!" The new clan called.


"Lilystar!" A small ginger she cat called from the nursery. "Come in here, please!"

Lilystar looked up. She had been lost in though about the previous moon. In that moon, she had received her name, nine lives, and HopeClan's trust. StarClan agreed, Bugspirit would make a fine deputy. Lilystar raced over into the nursery. Redbird lay in her nest in the back.

"They're beautiful," Lilystar breathed, looking at the small kits next to Redbird.

A little ginger tomcat, a small solid brown tomcat and a light ginger and white she kit were all snuggled up next to Redbird's belly.

"This is Flashkit," Redbird meowed, pointing to the small ginger tom, "And Pinekit," she meowed, pointing to the brown tom, "And Hopekit," Redbird meowed, pointing to the ginger and white she kit.

"Flashkit, like Flashstar. And Pinekit, like Pinestorm," Lilystar meowed. "And the daughter Pinestorm always wanted, Hopekit."

"Yes," Redbird meowed, tears falling from her eyes at the mention of her dead mate. "Pinestorm, you now have a daughter, and her name is perfect."

"Yes, it is," Lilystar meowed. Lilystar padded out of the nursery and over to Shadestorm. "Shadestorm, I have to talk to you."

Lilystar led Shadestorm out of the camp and into the forest. He padded by her side.

"Shadestorm," Lilystar began, "I want to talk to you about . . . us."

"If it won't work, you don't have to worry, I'll be fine!" Lilystar noticed the pain in his eyes, and knew that he wouldn't be fine.

"No, Shadestorm. I love you, and I want to be your mate. I want to be the mother of your kits, I really do," Lilystar meowed.

"But what about HopeClan?" Shadestorm asked.

"Everything's peaceful and I know that Bugspirit can handle things while I'm in the nursery," Lilystar meowed. "Anyway, this isn't about the clan, it's about you and me. Our life, along with the clan. I think we can make it.'

"Yes," Shadestorm whispered happily.

"And our clan will have many peaceful moons to raise our kits," Lilystar meowed.

"We should be heading back," Shadestorm meowed, looking up at the darkening sky.

"Yes, we should," Lilystar meowed, padding back to camp, her tail entwined with Shadestorm's tail, their hearts together.


"See, Froststar," A dark tabby striped gray tomcat meowed. "I told you everything would work out in the end."

"Yes, Nightblaze, you did," Froststar meowed. "I had my worries, but I think that HopeClan will have many more, long, peaceful moons ahead of it, and they will survive."

Nightblaze nodded and padded over towards a she cat, smoky gray in color and she had snow white paws, tail tip, belly, and white around her eyes like a mask. Violetheart purred as he padded over to her, and their tails entwined.  A jet black tomcat with white feet and a snow white tail and a tan she cat who had dark brown tabby stripes covering her pelt sat next to them, watching the new clan.

"Twigtail, Sandspirit, Violetheart," Nightblaze meowed to his family, "Destiny has chosen a great cat. Lilystar is a sister, or kit, that you can be proud of."

Everyone nodded in agreement as the sky turned black and the stars lit up the heavens, glowing as bright as the moon.

Thank you all, once more, for everything. You've all been amazing. This is the end.

Despite this being a fan fiction, does anyone think that I should post original stories here too? I'm thinking that I might start doing that... What do you think?

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