Chapter 19

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Me and Tamari were sitting at a cafe' near the hotel, she dragged me here after I got back from the airport. 

" What's wrong with you?!" Tamari shouted at me. I jumped looking up from my Latte', I had just explained the conversation in the car on the way to the airport this morning. 

"I don't know I was surprised when he asked, I have even thought about it until now." I looked down at my hands fumbling around with a hair tie around my wrist. 

"Say yes you idiot!" I puffed my cheeks and looked to the window, it was slightly fogged from the hot air inside. 

"But what about the house?" I asked and she sat up a little hitting the side of my head.

"I'll fix it all up and send you some clothes, just stay here with him!" She shook my head. I took a shaky breath. 

"But what about you?" I asked, even though she's the most annoying person I'll ever meet. Tam is my best friend and I don't want to leave her. Tam smiled at me.

"You know, you're adorable." She grinned at me and I slapped her shoulder hiding my blush. "I'll be fine (Y/N) we can still Skype and call each other and we can visit every now and again." I nodded and we left the café. I put my hands into my pockets." Now you just need to tell him." She smiled getting out her phone calling someone. Tam suddenly started running ahead of me. 

"Hey what are you doing?" I shouted running after her. Had she been exercising? I ran faster, she was talking to someone not letting me hear. "Tam come back here!" I yelled at her and she laughed. 

"Come on slow..." She screamed when I grabbed her arm being right behind her. 

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" I panted out catching my breath, I stopped her just before she was to get hit by a car. 

"You're fast." She said walking again and I jogged next to her. I bet she called stupid blonde. I frowned and Tam sweat dropped when looking at my face.Turning to look in the other direction I ignored Tams attempts to get me to talk. " I swear your a child (Y/N)." She sighed, then I spotted Yuri with victor and Stupid blonde. I ran over and jumped on the Stupid blonde. 

"Tam is being annoying," I whined into his ear, I noticed a blush on his face making me smile.

"Oh hey, Tora, you're so cute." I huffed and looked away from Victor. Tam came puffing over to us and squealing when seeing me. 

"You're so cute." I sunk my head into Stupid blondes hair. I hate compliments I just can't handle them. 

"What are you doing stupid girl, I can feel your breath on my neck." He didn't retest and kept holding onto my legs as we walked on. 

"Where are you guys going?" Tam asked I sat my head on stupid blondes shoulder listening to the conversation but it went quiet for a moment before everyone started running away. 

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Stupid blonde and I shouted at the same time. I was wrong she called Victor. Tam smiled waving goodbye to me. 

"What's with them." He asked and I got off from his back. 

"Tam wanted me to talk to you about the situation of me leaving or not." This got his attention, I took a deep breath in. " I want to stay with you," I said looking up at him with a small smile. The same smile he had for his grandpa appeared on his face, pure joy. I was wrapped in a hug and I heard him laugh a little. 

"I'm happy to hear you say that."  He whispered into my hair. Before I could say anything back he moved me into a kiss. That's when clapping was heard followed by a camera flashing. 

"YAY." The two of us heard, we glared over at the three people who had just ran away from us in the distance filming / taking photos of the scene that had just played out.

"I'm gonna kill you Tamari!" I yelled getting out of Stupid blondes embrace to chase after my extremely annoying friend.  


"I guess I'm off now." Tam sighed standing in front of the hotel with her things along with Minako. I knew she was leaving, But I didn't know it would be this soon. I kicked the ground in front of me frowning. "Hey come on, I thought you were the smart one." I looked up at her opening her arms. 

"I am, idiot." I hugged her tightly, Tamari is the only person I've ever trusted with anything. She's my one and only friend. My best friend. 

"We need to leave Tam or we'll miss the flight." I let Tam go and Minako pulled in into a side hug. "When you come back for a visit I'll teach you some more ballet yeah." I rolled my eyes at her pushing her away from me.

"You could have done that sooner." I whined and she laughed. 

"Come on cousin it's time to go!" She cheered grabbing the back of Tams collar and out they went to their taxi. I won't be seeing anyone from home for at least another three months. I sighed to myself walking back up to my hotel room.

It's A Love hate Relationship Yuri Plisetsky X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now