Chapter 9 (At the rink)

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I was at the airport waiting for the flight. I watched as Minako and Tamari waved me goodbye on the other side of the wide space. I have travelled a number of times with mum..... But not in the last few years. I went on board the plane and strapped myself in. I can't wait to find out why stupid blonde wanted me to stay with him in Russia. I sighed and put my music on blasting it so I could block out the annoying people next to me. It was about a 10-hour flight over to Russia. I'm going to be so jet lagged and I'll most likely put all my extra anger out on Stupid blonde. It is his fault after all I have to go all this way. I felt myself smile before falling asleep. 


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I came out of the boarding area and went to get my bag. I didn't know how long I was staying here but I would most likely go shopping anyway so I didn't take a massive suitcase. I was staring at my phone wondering where I was meant to meet that Stupid blonde and I bumped into someone. 

"Hey watch where you're going!" We both said at the same time until we both saw each other's faces. 

"Oh hey stupid blonde, did you miss me," I said smirking at him crossing my arms, he must have just come from the ice rink because he was still wearing his gear. He frowned at me before nodding.

"Yes, I did stupid girl." I huffed and blew a piece of hair from my face. " This is  Yakov Feltsman, he's my coach." I looked behind him and saw an older looking man with a hat on. I saluted him and he nodded.

"You're just like Yuri." I heard him sighed out.

"What are you talking about old man, I'm nothing like the stupid blonde!" I pointed at him while saying that, he can't just assume things I only just met him. The old man just stared at me before turning around.

"Come on we must get back to the rink. (Y/N) you'll take your bags back to the house afterwards." I didn't say anything but followed behind the two of them. After everything, I would have thought stupid blonde would have more to say. I walked faster behind them, they really have a fast walking pass here. I thought watching people zoom past me like we were in heavy traffic.

"Hey, what are you waiting for!"I saw stupid blonde standing by the sliding doors and I went over to him and he grabbed my case. "You're so slow." He mumbled out and I puffed my cheeks crossing my arms as we went over to the car. The old man had already started the car waiting for us. I went in and sat down looking at the humorous text messages from Tamari and rolled my eyes." what are you looking at?" The stupid blonde said sitting closer to me and my phone.

"Just Tamari and her constant yapping." The frowned telling her to calm the f*** down. I saw he also had his phone out. "What about you?" I said and he turned back to me. 

"Telling Yuko that you are with me now." This made me think, maybe it was Yuko who gave Stupid blonde the idea to invite me. I frowned to myself thinking it over. I heard the door open and I saw we were at the rink. It looked quite, but I guess it's because of the comp coming up. "Come on, stop staring." The stupid blonde said and I got out of the car and followed them into the rink. I sighed, why am I here again? I thought as I went into the main room seeing only a few people skating around. 

"Is this the girl you were talking about Yuri?" A girl came from nowhere hugging Stupid blonde making him angry.

"Mila get off me!" I watched the scene with my hands in my pockets. He finally got away from her and she turned to me. 

"I'm Mila Babicheva," She had her hand out and I glared at her.

"(Y/N)" I said and turned from her to the rink.

"Just like Yuri." I heard her whisper to herself, I clenched my teeth. I'm nothing like him! The stupid blonde was talking to his coach for a little and I just went through my backpack. I saw my skates and got them out. Even though I most likely won't be skating. 

"Oh, so you skate?" The same girl stood above me, she looks a few years older, I turned back down to my skates and nodded. "Then why don't you show me how good you are?" Is she threatening me? "Or you too scared?" Oh, she's threatening me! I stood up and flung off my shoes. I saw a smirk on her face as I put on my skates. The stupid blonde was looking over and came over. I went past him without a word and went into the rink. 

I turned back and glared at Mila but she seemed too surprised to even be angry. The stupid blonde seemed to be the same. I looked to the side to see an older woman that looked to be that ballet teacher he was talking about. I went over to Stupid blonde and flicked his forehead. 

"Staring is rude Ya know." He growled at me holding the spot I flicked him. 

"That was beautiful." I looked over and saw the woman was tearing up making Stupid blonde go wide-eyed. 

"You wouldn't be related to (L/N) would you?"  Yakov said to me, I guess everyone knows about my mum's style. 

"Yes, I would be," I replied making Mila grab my hand.

"She was my idol, can I meet her!" She cheered at me and I glared away from her. 

"I haven't seen my mother in two years. She's still in the hospital." I hung my head down and went off the ice. No one said anything but I could feel their gaze on me, pity. I hate it when people give me pity or anything alike, sympathy or even comforting me I hate it. It makes me feel weak and I'm not a weak person. I've lived on my own for two years, I've learned how to cook and can get to places on my own. I can handle myself. I'm anything but weak. I watched Stupid blonde skate for some time. About 3 hours even. according to Baranovskaya, he was not elegant enough. I suppose so but she was being a little harsh. I was sitting on the edge of the rink near her. The stupid blonde did a jump and only just landed it. He should have a break for at least half an hour if she wants him to accelerate anymore, but I didn't say anything she was the teacher. I looked back down at my phone. 

"(Y/N)." I turned and she was next to me. I didn't react but she would definitely scare me on Halloween. 

"Yeah?" I said not looking at her and watched him again. 

"Yuri needs a break and will need help tapping his right leg." I stared over at him and his leg looked fine to me. "He's a stubborn boy and the other week this happened and he couldn't skate because of it." I sighed and nodded jumping down hearing her clap her hands together getting Stupid blonde off the ice. He was panting and fell onto one of the seats. I threw a towel at him.

"What was that for!" The stupid blonde shouted making me roll my eyes. 

"For not doing anything about your leg," I said getting out the tap and taking off his skates. He blushed and I frown looking at the bruises forming along with a few blisters. Taping around his leg Stupid blonde flinched slightly. "Stop whining and be a man," I said continuing to rolling the tape around his foot.

"S-shut up stupid girl!" I squeezed his foot applying presser to his ankle while glaring at him and he let out a yelp. I smirked and stood up getting some ice. Grabbing the ice he didn't look at me but I could still see the blush on his face. Sitting next to him Stupid blonde muttered a small thank you. 

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