chapter 18 (The day after)

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I groaned a little bit rolling over in the bed. Last night went on forever. Yuri went crazy thinking that Lollie water was cordial I did try telling him but by that point, he was out of it. I don't even want to think about what happened after that. I slowly opened one of my eyes and completely froze when seeing stupid blonde right next to my face. His hand moved slightly up my waist more as he came closer to me. My face flushed red not knowing what to do. How did we even get like this? I tried wiggling around to get out but h only groaned pulling me again best his bare chest.

"Stupid blonde wake up," I whined tapping him still blushing, he mumbled something and then his eyes opened.

"What?" He asked groggily before shutting his eyes again. I puffed my cheeks blushing more. Hearing this one eye-opened a little. I could see him blush slightly but he didn't move.

"Why are we in the same bed?" I said not looking into his eyes.

"Because you fell asleep in the car on the way home, so I had to take you up." I noticed I was wearing different clothes, that being one of the stupid blondes hoodies.

"Then how am I wearing this?" I said suggesting to the hoodie on me and this made him blush more. Don't tell me he?? My face couldn't get any redder. "You pervert, you dressed me when I was asleep!" I shouted at him Tring to punch his chest but he grabbed my wrists. I frowned at stupid blonde continuing to fidget around.

"I didn't look ok, I had to." He said sternly moving so he was above me, I just looked to the side blushing deeply. I glanced at him for a moment, making me freak out more. Not only was he not wearing a shirt but his face was so close to my own. Why does he have to be so freaken hot? I let out a gasp when he suddenly kissed my neck my eyes went wide as my breath hitched. Moving his lips over to my chin I couldn't take it anymore I breathed in and out heavily. 

"W-what are you...." He cut me off by kissing me against my lips. I continued to blush as an electric feeling ran through my body. Shutting my eyes I kissed stupid blonde back making him let go of my wrists.  The two of us parted to take a breath before latching together again. My alarm went off but we both ignored it as his tongue went into my mouth, I moaned tangling my hands into his hair. The alarm went louder to full blast but stupid blonde didn't let up, kneeing me between my legs the two of us moaned. My left hand searched for my phone on the bedside table not letting our lips part. Grabbing it I peeked open my eyes to see what I set an alarm for. 

'Saying goodbye to mum at the airport.' It read. 

I pulled stupid blonde away from me lightly and a string of saliva connected us. 

"I need to meet my mum at the airport to say goodbye."  I breathed out heavily. This just made him frown.

"I'm not going." He said not wanting to talk about it anymore. 

"But she'll hate you more if you don't go. She will think your brave for going." He groaned falling down next to me in the bed, I just rolled my eyes sitting up. Luck for me this hoodie went to my upper thigh and I went to have a shower while he sobbed into his pillow. Taking off the big hoodie I couldn't help but think of stupid blonde taking off my clothes. Blushing i slipped off my underwear and hopped into the shower. The thought came to mind, I don't have any other clothes, I'll have to go through the hallway in just his hoodie and knowing my luck Tamari will see me.i sighed rinsing out the shampoo and put in some conditioner. I just hope we have enough time to drive to the airport.


After forcing stupid blonde out of his room we went downstairs to the car I booked to drive us. We were only half an hour late. *Sweet drop*

"Stupid girl." The stupid blonde said and I looked up from my phone. "When are you leaving?" I was confused for a moment but remembering that I was originally only coming over here to watch him compete, now the desition I had to make was going home or staying here with stupid blonde. His hand touched mine, he looked very serious and sat closer to me waiting for his answer. "It's ok if you go home, I understand, I just wanted to know when." The car suddenly halted and the driver said we were at the airport. The conversation stopped there, Grabbing his hand when getting out of the car I pulled him with me running through the airport. Mums lucky I even remembered about her leaving today, I only found out after Minako mentioned it. I spotted her walking over to the boarding gate.

"Mum!" I shouted panting and she turned her head around, Tohru stopped pushing the wheelchair and spun the chair around so mum faced us. "I came to say goodbye." I panted holding my hands on my knees. 

"Well goodbye." She smiled pulling me into a warm hug, I hugged back. " You've grown up in these past years (Y/N), your skating is just like mine. All I want is for you to continue my career for me." I sighed out and looked down at my feet. "That's why I asked Minako to force you to ice skate." 

"It was you." My eyes went wide, I thought this all happened because of Minako's obsession with Ice skating. Not my mother. 

"Yes dear and I was hoping to see you at the worlds this year, well next year right." She glared at me staring me down with a dark glow around her. "I even made arrangements for a coach to come over to Russia for you, my old coach Akane." I hit my hand against my forehead. There's no way to get out of this now. 

"Well, we best be off now, can't wait to see you competing (Y/N)!" She sang out starting to wheel herself away. "And your idiot boyfriend better not disappoint me next year either. I'm just impressed he came today. " She raised her hand waving us goodbye going into the plane along with Tohru. I groaned out putting my head onto Stupid blondes shoulder. 

"I told you we shouldn't have come." The stupid blonde smirked at me and I huffed out. 

"We should go." I sighed out but he grabbed my hand pulling me into a kiss. That when I heard the screams of fangirls. 

"Yeah, we should go," Stupid said while putting my hood on my head as well as his own. 

It's A Love hate Relationship Yuri Plisetsky X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora