Chapter 3 ( Victor)

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It's been a few days since Yuri has come back and we've been sharing the rink. I gave him the details of why I'm trying to hard to impress Minako and he thinks also that she just wants me to go into competitions. The most annoying thing of all is that almost all the time Minako isn't even watching me Skate. I grit my teeth as I did another triple axel. Why is she so incorrigible?

"Hey (Y/N) it's getting late." I heard Tamari shout out and I just continued to skate around. 

"So what!" I said not even facing her. 

"Well Minako said to meet her at the hot spring around now and Yuri was going to be there too." I sighed and stopped in front of her. 

"Why does it matter if I'm there or not," I spoke about to skate off again. 

"Minako will kill the two of us if were not there." I froze. when Minako is angry....Well, you don't want to see it. I didn't say anything but went off the ice to get my stuff. 

Tamari stood by the door waiting for me

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Tamari stood by the door waiting for me. 

"Come on we can't be late." She said pulling me out of the door. I don't why she was trying to rush so much, the spring is quite far from the rink and she's not the fittest person. Unless you count the hours she's spent watching me skate. By the time we made it she was on the floor panting almost unable to breathe. 

"You should lay off the fatty foods for a while," I said rolling my eyes and putting a hand to my hip. 

"What are you talking about I'm as fit as a fiddle." She panted out.

"I don't know what you call fit but it's not the flubber I see in front of me." She looked up at me and puffed her cheeks. I opened the door and she started hitting my shoulder.

"Take that back!" She yelled at me and the small group of people in the room looked over at us.

"It's not my fault you eat so much sugar in a day!" I spat back taking off my shoes. 

"You're a bad friend!" She said before jumping onto me. 

"Hey get off me! Personal space!" I shouted and I heard a loud stomp of a foot right by my head. 

"Tamari get off (Y/N)!" Minako said lifting up Tamari off me. 

I sat up and I groaned cracking my neck. "And you!" I spun my head around and she grabbed me off the ground. " You're late." She said glaring at me I got out of her grip. She got a bottle from a near by table and drank from the bottle. I sighed and felt a vein pop on the side of my head. I'll have to carry her home again.

"Did you hear the rumour?" She asked me as we walked into the separate room, I looked down at a guy sleeping on the floor and the weirdest thing was Yuri sitting near him just watching the guy sleep. Tamari screeched and I flinched. 

"That's Victor! Why is he passed out on the floor!" Minako and Tamari said at the same time. I sighed and rolled my eyes. 

"It's all over the news in Russia, they say he's taking the next season off to consider the future of his career. The reason why is what's really interesting, they say he was so inspired by your routine that he came to become your coach." Minako said. I just sat down looking through my phone. I heard a sneeze and Victor sat up, most likely from all the noise everyone was making. 

"Is there more food around here, I'm so hungry." Was all he said. I thought he would be different in person, but at that, I only ever watch others ice skate when I'm stuck here. 

"Sure we have lots of food,"  Yuri said blabbering on. He really does look up to that guy, doesn't he? 

"What's your favourite food Yuri, If I'm going to be your coach that's something I ought to know, don't you think?" Tamari was squeezing my arm and the circulation was getting low. 

"Hey let go of my arm! Instead of squeezing the life out of me just talk to the guy!" I shouted at her and she put a hand over my mouth. Minako was already getting the food. Tamari suddenly teleported right next to Victor.

"I am your biggest fan, I always watch your performances and you're so amazing!" She cheered at him, I was just rubbing the side of my arm getting it back to normal. 

"And you would be?" Victor asked Tamari and I could see stars in her eyes. 

"I'm Okukawa Tamari, I'm Minako's Cousin!"  She beamed out grabbing a quick photo with him. 

"And that girl over there that reminds me of other Yuri?" I looked up at him pointing at me. I blew some hair from my face.

"(L/N) (Y/N)." I said standing up getting ready for the food to come back in. 

"This looks amazing!" Victor cheered seeing the food in front of him. 

"This is our speciality the pork cutlet bowl,"  Hiroko said smiling widely. I just ate as well as Tamari but she was still eye balling Victor the whole time. 

"Have you had a pork cutlet bowl recently?" Victor said going along with what Minako was saying about yuri only having this when he wins a composition.

"Of course it's my favourite!" 

"But you haven't won anything have you, there's not a lot I can do with you until you lose that piggy gut and those love handles." I cracked up laughing.

"Piggy, that's a good one!" I laughed out and Yuri bowed his head. " Hey, idiot It's not my fault you can't stop eating!" 

"You need to be back to your weight at last years grand pre final or I can't coach you." That's a long way to go for him, I wonder how much he did gain over that time? Yuri was showing Victor to his room while I held Tamari back from going after them. 

"You can't go with them Tam, we need to head home," I growled at her pulling her towards the door. 

"But I want to see Victor one more time!" I chucked her shoes at her and put my boots on.

"You're mum wants you home remember," I said walking out of the springs. The walk home wasn't any better all Tamari talked about was how amazing Victor was and how different he was in person. I swung open the door to the house and sighed. 

"They're not going to shut up about this for a long time," I mumbled to myself flopping onto my bed. 

It's A Love hate Relationship Yuri Plisetsky X ReaderWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu