Part 12: Rabbit's Foot* (subject sensitive)

Start from the beginning

Their blood tests required them to not eat anything from 12 hours before the test.

"Yes, much needed. Your cafeteria has a nice menu."

"It certainly does. And the best coffee." Dr. Ledger said.

"I agree to that." Mrs. Wayne happily added.

"So what brings you in today? Now I must say that getting a fertility check up is the best first step for any couple, disregarding their health status."

"Well, we both came with concerns regarding our reproductive health. And I feel obliged to tell you that coming here has been our second step, after the... biological stuff."

"And nothing's happened," Selina quickly added, earning a sad empathetic look from Dr. Ledger. "We've been trying for a while."

"That's always sad to hear, but not as concerning, coming from a fertility specialist. Of course, I haven't thoroughly looked at the reports yet. But before we get to them, why don't you tell me what you guys think might be the concern. Anything in your lifestyles that might put a stress in your efforts?"

Batman and Catwoman looked at each other and couldn't decide what to say. After a minute of thought, Bruce took the lead.

"As you might be well aware, I've only up till 6 years ago returned to Gotham. Before that, I was so off the map, the world thought I was dead. Now off map civilization have their own ways of life, and I think you can catch what I'm trying to tell you, you've of course seen my physical appearance."

Dr. Ledger nodded in absolute agreement. She hadn't seen that much and that type of bodily damage and scars in all her years of medical practice. Bruce had already told her in the exam room that he wasn't at liberty to tell her much detailed account of how he'd gotten them.

"Yes, uhun. You've got quite the physique there, Mr. Wayne. And you, Selina? Your body tells a story as well."

"Well for sure. I grew up on the streets of Gotham. I've only become part of the upper class since I opened my gallery. I've had my share of fights and violence on the Gotham streets."

By now Dr. Ledger was on the last page of the results report. Her eyes were dilated and she nodded to what Selina had just said.

"Well you both have certainly had quite the busy pasts, and your reports seem to agree with that."

"Now Mr. Wayne, I am very amazed at your reports as a medical practitioner in general. If I may dare suggest, you should see other medical professionals for further examination, but I digress. Yes, your physical history does have an impact on your reproductive health, and your medical history is more damaging than your wife's, but you still have the benefit of being a man."

Those five words officially validated Selina's painful opinion. Bruce noted her reaction, and he slid his fingers through hers.

"That doesn't go to say that the fault lays entirely with you, Selina. As with the whole reproductive process, it takes two. But I'm afraid to say that the female body is certainly more fragile than the man, meaning we have to be more careful."

Dr. Ledger remained silent for a while as she typed at her computer and piled her papers together.

"Final conclusion, it's going to be a bumpy road considering both of yours' medical histories. I can prescribe you supplements that may help you in your efforts. Luckily, you guys have the financial opportunity to explore other natural procedures should it come to that. Now, do you have any more questions, or we can head to the pharmacy?"

"I'm definitely done."

Bruce filled a heavy breath. It was going to be a difficult day.

"Yes. I think we're ready to head out."

"Okay. Let me give you two a minute and I'll go get your supplements, then you're all set."

Dr. Ledger left the room and Selina choked on her breath and Bruce immediately took her in a hug as she started to cry. No matter what words the doctor used, the problem was mostly with her.

By the time the doctor came back, Selina was wiping her eyes and sniffing. They got their medicine and reports and left the office. Selina lost all pep in her step, and the drive to the penthouse was solemnly quiet.

At the penthouse, Bruce couldn't stand her being shut in and upset, so he took her down to the main lounge for some happy music and being among people. The piano played bouncy tunes and Selina tried to smile more, if only for the sake of appearances. Bruce kept her distracted in entertaining conversation and the café sent over snacks, on the house.

At the end of the day, Bruce Wayne was a CEO and even if he owned half of the city, he couldn't push off work more. He unfortunately had to step out to work for a couple of hours, but promised to make it up at night.

Selina dejectedly let him go, she couldn't really keep him from work. Bruce ran up to the penthouse to get his stuff for work and Selina stayed in the building lounge.

He snuck up on her when he came back and she walked him to the entrance, waving him goodbye as he drove away. She sighed and turned back in to spend the day alone, but she was stopped.

"Selina Kyle! Princess of Gotham. Of all your names, this came as the biggest surprise!" A playfully teasing voice called out to her. Selina recognized the voice faster than she put a name to the face.

"Sylvia Sinclair?! Can't be really you!"

"In the flesh, kitty!" Sylvia said, motioning to herself.

Selina happily skipped over and took her in a hug.

"It's been such a long time...... Bunny."

🐰 🐰 🐰

Poor Selina, can't seem to catch a break! The next chapter will be a past chapter.

Some Batman jokes to relieve yourself after that much drama. I'm Sorry!

What Do You Call It When Batman Skips Church?
Christian Bale

What Happens When Batman Sees Catwoman?
The dark knight rises.

What's The Difference Between Batman & A Robber
Batman can go into a store without robin!!

What Position Did Bruce Wayne Play On His Baseball Team?
He was the bat boy.

When Is Joker Not Plotting A Murder?
When he's riding his Harley!

What Does Batman Put In His Drinks?
Just ice

Goodnight everybody!

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