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"And it's a nice surprise"
D: Daniel J:Jack
Daniel's POV:
Everyone stared at Jack and I, and we stared back. We all sat in a very uncomfortable silence.
Logan: Soooooo...who's next?
Corbyn: Logan, don't.
Everyone got up and went to either their rooms or just somewhere else that wasn't were we were. Logan just stayed there though with Jack and I.

Logan: Listen, it doesn't matter to me. We're still bros no matter what.
He got up and gave us both fist bumps and left.
D: what now?
I was so worried about Jack and his feelings, I know they're sometimes super fragile.
J: I don't know. We can just avoid it until it pops up again?
D: Or maybe we could tell them instead of letting our emotions bottle up.
J: let's go with your Plan.
We both walked over to the kitchen were Zach and Jonah were sitting. Upon a closer inspection, they were actually holding hands and having a serious talk. We decided not to go into the kitchen but rather listen through the door. You know we couldn't miss this!
Z: Please Jonah, stop.
Jonah: Zach listen to me! They already came out, why can't we? It's not fair to me to keep this bottled up. I want the whole world to know!
Z: I can't Jonah. My parents will find out and you know how they feel. I get abandoned by them and that's not exactly what I want right now.
Even I could hear how tired and stressed Zach and Jonah both were based on their voices. I knew we shouldn't be listening.
D: *whispering* hey, lets go to my room.
J: okay.
We walked over to my room and Jack sat down on my bed. I laid down up at the head of the bed and he joined me, snuggling into my chest when he got there.
D: Im worried.
J: me too, but not now. Let me just enjoy this time with my boyfriend first.

I loved hearing him call me that. It was like I'm  dreaming every time I am around him. I feel as if maybe this all isn't real or maybe...
Zach came bursting into the room with Jonah.
Z:We need to talk.
377 words

Hi everyone! Thanks for reading. I got my new phone so I'm still learning how to type on it. Sorry if there are any typos! I'll go back and edit them. Also, sorry this is so short! I'll hopefully post again this weekend so stay tuned! Have an awesome day!

"You are strong like the autumn breeze, don't let anyone shake your leaves" 🍁

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