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Previously on Alternate Danger:
Axel falls victim to the slash of Jesse's transformation. Jess sprints over to help him, but she cries when she sees him badly hurt.
"I didn't tell any of you this but...I was planning to propose to Olivia after all this ended. I guess it won't be happening anymore..." Axel utters.
He reveals that water is the way to stop Jesse. But only temporary and what about the other method...what about love?
In the end, Axel dies leaving everyone to mourn.

Jesse's transformation wears off and The black gunk evaporates off his body leaving him breathing heavily on the ground. Everyone stares at him in either hatred or pity.

He looks up at Jess with so much hatred in his eyes that he gets the courage to launch himself towards her and send his fist flying at her face. Except it never makes contact because she blocks it with her arm and kicks him in the stomach.

He winces and falls to the ground. He gives up and lays there on the cold hard ground.
"What should we do with him?" Star asks.
"Lets just kill him!" Zoe punches her palm.
"That's too brutal," Silver shakes her head.
Meagan stares at Jesse and crouches down at his level. She knocks on his forehead and once she knows he's out cold, she sticks a needle in his vein.

Everyone looks at her horrified.
"What are you doing?!" They all exclaim.
Meagan ignores them and takes out the needle once it's full with blood and some of the bits of black goo.

She stands up at looks at the crew.
"For now we can tie him up. We need to get to the lab to run some tests and then we'll know for sure if he's lost all his power."

Zoe and Silver make sure the knots are tight and together they carry him.

The people that are still alive are Jesse, Jess, Lukas, Petra, and the five girls that have made it through everything.
As they made their way down the hallway, the crumbling walls, broken pipes with dripping water, and the bad odor of the dead Nail Creeks made them cringe.

Expecting the doors to open themselves, Meagan bumps into the white glossy doors.
"What's wrong?" Aisho asks.
Meagan knocks on the doors and kicks it.
"They didn't open automatically so I'm guessing the system malfunctioned or is just broken."

"Nothing a sword can't fix." Petra approaches the doors and roughly sticks her sword in between the tiny gap. She wiggles it up and down to open it wider.

Once the gap gets wider, Zoe places her foot in between and together they open it laboriously.
Everyone quickly files inside the room.
Zoe and Petra separate at the same time and Petra leaves her sword in the gap in case they need to leave.

Jesse was strapped on the bed. He didn't look so stressed and evil for once because he was sleeping peacefully.

Meagan placed the blood on a tray under a scanning light that showed the results on the computer.
Zoe and Petra were by the door keeping an eye out in case any of those creatures survived.
It was highly impossible though because since their leader fell, they all fall.

Aisho and Silver kept an eye on Jesse in case he wakes up and starts rampaging. Jess, Jesse, Meagan, and Star were looking at the results on the computer for anything unusual.

"What I notice is that his heart rate is fine so since he's calm right now, it's no more than 90 beats per minute. Now for the blood...," Meagan glances at the other computer.

After reading the results, Meagan looks at everyone with hope in her eyes.
"Very tiny traces of the black goo, but I'm sure I'll be able to get rid of them. Other than that, he's clean! We won't have to worry about anything because his blood is clear and he's human now!"

Everyone sighs in relief and start laughing nervously.
Meagan then puts a serious face and grabs everyone's attention.
"One problem. Due to the violent thoughts and actions the black goo gave Jesse, he'll either wake up thrashing like a maniac or wake up calm like his old self."

Meagan takes the straps off because she's confident he won't wake up with violent actions.
Everyone sets their eyes on the sleeping Jesse just in time to see him stir. He blinks a few times before gasping and bolting upward.
Zoe and Petra get ready to attack but his next action makes them rethink.

Jesse grasps the bedsheets and starts trembling while crying and sniffing. Jess and Jesse were on either sides of the bed.

Jesse looks up at everyone with his tearful eyes and clenching teeth. His eyes were sincere and full of regret that it even made Petra feel bad for him. No one wanted to look at him because it'll only make him cry more.

Jesse looks to his left to a shocked Jess. He gets off the bed and hugs her tightly while sniffing.
Jess was taken by surprise so she looked at everyone else for help. Only Jesse looked confused while the others had warm smiles on their faces.

Jess just decided to go with it and hugged Jesse back.
"Jess...I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to hurt you...I was witnessing everything and I couldn't stop it! The way my blade cut through you...the way I just walked away...the way I just watched everything. I missed you so much and I hate myself so much as well! I'll never forgive myself for what I did! I'm so sorry...please, you don't have to forgive me...let me just stay like this...and hug you close...sister."

Everyone is shocked from the words he just spoke. Mostly Meagan though because she rushes to the DNA results and reads them over again carefully.

Her eyes widen and she mutters, "The black goo was inside of him and it controlled his mind and body...but he was still in there! He lived through everything...so when we attacked the goo, it wasn't Jesse we were attacking...it was the real enemy. So when it evaporated, Jesse was still himself for a bit longer...I have to get rid of it all from his blood or else it'll multiply inside his body and come back again...but, why hasn't it happened now? Is it because of Jess?"

Meagan glances at Jesse who was still hugging Jess, who was already uncomfortable.
She whispers to Jesse and tells him to try and pry Jesse off his sister.
He nods and when he did, Jesse's eyes went black and hissed loudly at him.

"Just as I suspected," she utters.
"What was that? I knew he was still evil!" Zoe grabs her sword.

"No. It's something else that's keeping him stable...Axel was right," Jess says. "It's love."


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