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Chapter 16

Featuring Jentheplayer

Jesse and Jess ran the rest of the way. They occasionally stopped and hid to let the guards (creatures) pass by.
After running for 5 minutes, they heard muffled voices.
It sounded like-

"Petra!" Jesse whispered relieved.
"And Axel!" Jess grinned.

After following the sounds, they finally stopped in front of their cell.
Petra was seen talking with...Axel?
But he's on the other side and looks...different!

//The cell Petra and the others are in, is next to the cell Axel and the others are in. Instead of a wall separating them, it's bars\\

Once the siblings approached the bars, Petra immediately shot up and grabbed the bars.
Her expression made them smile in relief and happiness. She was as happy as them.

"Jesse! Jess! You're a sight for sore eyes. I can't believe you're here. I'm so...glad." Petra let her eyes water and she quickly dried them.

"The others are asleep. But they'll be very relieved to see you two." Petra sighed.

Jess looked over to the right to see a staring boy. He smiled when he made eye contact and looked away.

Jesse noticed and asked, "Whose this? A new friend?"
Petra answered with a nervous chuckle. "Actually...that's Axel."

Their eyes widened and they looked over at him again. They gaped and Axel shifted uncomfortably.

The siblings looked away and glanced at the right and left.
"You two should hide...she's coming." Petra mentioned.
"Who?" They asked simultaneously.

As if on cue, a squeaky sound came from down the aisle. The sound belonged to the wheels of a cart. No doubt about it.

Jesse quickly grabbed Jess and hid in an empty cell. Luckily, the gate wasn't whole. The lock was broken and there was enough shadow to hide in. They kept quiet.

Petra stood firm in front of the bars.

The chef came through hitting a spoon against a pan. "Wake up! It's time for dinner!" She slid in each tray into the cells with people inside in through a gap.

She finally came to Axel's cell and slid in the tray of 4 cooked chicken legs and some kind of gray goo along with a single bowl of water.

"Don't fight over it." She commented as she wheeled on to Petra's cell.
Jesse saw her stop in front of Petra's cell.

She had on a black leather jacket, black pants, a tank top that faded from purple to white towards the bottom, short black boots about a little above the ankle, (black, purple, blue) mixed hair and many wristbands of various colors.

She looked a lot like a rebel.
Jesse has some taste.

"She doesn't look like a chef." Jess whispered.
"Agreed. I just hope she can help us in some way." Jesse answered.

Petra greeted the chef and smiled. They have known each other since they arrived. They got along famously and the chef tried to keep their growing friendship secret because of Jesse.

Jesse tried to scoot foward but ended up kicking a can. The chef whipped her head around and approached the cell.
The siblings backed farther away.

"Adrien! I found something." Petra tried to receive her attention back.
She sighed and just slid the food through.

She looked over at Axel who was dividing the food for his friends.
"He is very different from your Axel." Zoe mentioned.
Petra also glances at him and looks down at the food given to her.

"He is. Also...you should get back to work. Jesse can sometimes wander over here."
"I know when I have to and I'm not afraid of that freak....how long have they been asleep?" Zoe asked.

"They've been having nightmares and waking up at random moments. Of course they'd sleep this long." Petra started eating her portion.
"I guess. I just thought they were dead." Zoe laughed and moved on to the next cell after glaring at the cell she heard the noise.

Petra sighed quietly in relief. She looked out the 'window' and saw the sun rise a bit more as her friends stirred awake.

How was it?
Sorry I haven't updated in a week!
I will update the next chapter earlier.

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