♡chapter 11♡

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Juliet's POV

"And my dad slapped me!"Kayla said in a small voice and gulped

What? Why?

Her features contorted with fury,pain,disbelief. I was also  stunned by this revelation, I never knew she had abusive parents,well parent since her mom is dead.

oh kayla

but she always  seemed  fine to me. I wouldn't believe her if she told me some other time but right now her eyes, her attitude,the way her body shook, everything screamed at me to believe her.

My mouth was slightly parted as I took her hands in mine and gave her a light squeeze. Just by the look on her face,I felt like crying, seeing a broken girl right before me could do that to me.

She had called me early this morning and asked if she could come over,I checked the time and alas! It was 5:13am! I was pissed because no one should never i repeat never disturb a girl having her beauty sleep but I was curious at the same time. Kayla wasn't a morning person.

This better be important or else Kayla...

She arrived my house ten minutes after the call and luckily I was done dressing. Everyone was still in their rooms either sleeping or not,I didn't know.

So we went upstairs quietly. Well even if we didn't, I doubt anyone would hear us,why? The house is big!so I doubt anyone would hear us.

Okay,back to Kayla."Juliet, I-i   don't know what to do anymore,it's like he hates me" her lips were trembling, I hugged her.

"He regrets having me as a daughter,you know, this, all this is-

"Shhh,I'm sure he doesn't, you're a strong girl Kayla,don't accept those thoughts okay? "I told her sincerely.

" he's just stressed out or something,he might be having a hard time too,give him some time,I'm sure he'll come around"

"He wanted a son but he got a daughter I bets that's why he doesn't really like me J,

She untangled herself and looked me in the eyes, as tears shone in her eyes

"I saw him holding his clothes, he might have been able to wear it one day,if mom was still alive,I felt bad,really hurt,why couldn't he just move on already, he has a daughter to show his love to,but he got so angry and slapped me" she cried again.

After I tried to calm her down with the word of God,we prayed,and now we were reading a book on wattpad "bringing the world to Jesus" and "to walk in this path"


And that was the time Dylan decided to stroll in,uh now that i look at it, its more like sneak in,

Whats he up to?

I guess his intention is to wake me up but I'm beginning to doubt that,he must be planning something because he was dressed in black,head to toe I tell you.

(Black beanie,black leather jacket,black t-shirt,black tight jeans with its ends tucked in black socks,he even managed to put on a black shade of glasses but that didn't look like the glasses a thief will wear more like designers)

Wow Dylan congratulations,you just pulled off a burglary attire well.

he must have thought I slept off with my light on. Little did he know how wrong that is ...Ha!

Kayla and I were already securely hidden in the covers,thank God for my queen sized bed and very big and fluffy blanket.

We could see him through the holes in the cover,I saw how he carefully tiptoed his way towards us and before I knew it, my room light are off,darkness flooded in like lightning.

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