♡chapter 1♡

64 7 3

Juliet's POV

"Oh No!" ,"No not now....please"

I whispered, my voice shaky, my breath unsteady ,I took a long look at my mirror, tears threatening to spill, I blinked several times to avoid it.

I know what this means, why now?


I looked down,my toothbrush fell out of my hand,I would have picked it up if I wasn't so sad, I was big on hygiene which means am definitely getting a new toothbrush after this but I couldn't careless about the stupid toothbrush.


I had ignored it for a long time

And it's time

oh well

Taking in a deep breath I closed my eyes.

"Am sorry miss but you might not be able to reach that age if you decide to ignore the surgery now"

I remember the exact words of the doctor when I went for my last checkup.

I fell to my knees, thinning my lips to silent the pain as I my knees came in contact with the cold floor .

Oh no

am so sick and tired of this why does it have to be me

now the tears we're rolling down my eyes.

"why?!,why?!just why?!

I couldn't control myself anymore. I was sobbing hard "I don't deserve this!" I whispered in between my tears

"No! I don't!!".,remembering everything that has happened to me...


After what felt like hours I finally stood up wiped my face and took a shower .I went to my wardrobe to take out my clothes ,after bout 5 minutes I lay on my bed I don't know what to wear.

Yes,I have a very large wardrobe and too many ,I repeat ,i have way too many clothes. ( the way Dylan likes it) talk about nosy twin brother...

Since I was kinda moody
I took out a denim top and a blue jeans trouser,(tight like very tight hugging my curves, how Dylan likes it,

yea,i know it's weird, he's just so nosy when we go shopping he always come with us and acts like my boyfriend selecting clothes for me and dumping them on me to change and let him see)

I crack a smile, my stupid hot Dylan(not like I'll ever tell him that), I put on my white converse. I looked at myself once more, my eye bags, dry lips,and blonde hair which looked like a nest now!


I put on makeup( simple, the way Dylan likes it, Yes!) and hung my backpack and set out to leave not bothering to have a final look at the mirror.

I only eat once a day and that's has been a daily routine though no one knew about it not even Dylan. I don't always have the appetite to eat. Sad?

I took my iPhone and clicked on the perfect song to match my mood, I was so down. So I just walked down the stairs step by step sulking thinking of my lovely family, dad, mum,Bella,Sarah and Dylan.

My home was actually big,like big big so when I got to the dining table everyone had started eating but stopped when they saw me

Dylan is the first to laugh, then everyone starts grinning sheepishly as if not enough Dylan falls from his seat laughing harder
"What?" I question him, already irritated, I guess you're probably wondering who Dylan is ,well ladies and gentlemen this idiot is my twin brother.

"Guess someone dumped shit in your coffee huh?" Dylan replies.

"You reply a question with an answer and not with a question you dweeb " I retort angrily , plus I haven't eaten moron,I raise my hand to cut him off before he can reply.

Gosh! Dylan loves arguing ,he'll argue till you're tired and am not even ready to put up with him.

"now tell me why were you laughing "I ask him.

Dylan starts laughing again and point at my hair, shit!

" your hair" he says while laughing "you look like you spent a night in the jungle"

Oops I forgot to brush my hair! I close my eyes and bite my lips in anger(I always do that when am nervous or angry and when am both nervous and angry I lick and bite my lips at the same time) I run back ,quickly brushing it when am done I look in the mirror and check myself and go back downstairs to eat. When am done eating ,mum and dad kiss me, Bella in a hurry to go to work blew me a kiss ,I understood seeing as this is her first day as the CEO of dad's company, she got in the black limo while I and Dylan get in the white one.

Dylan is taking selfies and I know he is taking pictures of me ,thinking am unaware, haa! Stupid boy!



"Do you mind turning off your flashlight"

"Right" he mutters not embarrassed I caught him red handed.

"J you've got to see this"

"I'd rather not, thanks"

"But why?!"he whined like a baby who wasn't given his ice cream.

"Because the last time you used that same line,I had to look at a video of you stuffing your big ugly face with my bag of fries and the Hawaiian pizza I bought"

"Aww come on, forgive and forget "

I glare at him and be shoves his phone to my face almost slapping me in the process.

After another glare,I finally looked at the picture ,my jaw almost drops,to say I was shocked was an understatement,Dylan would make a good photographer, I looked sooo cute in that picture.

After another glare,I finally looked at the picture ,my jaw almost drops,to say I was shocked was an understatement,Dylan would make a good photographer,  I looked sooo cute in that picture

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

Immediately he uploads it on his Instagram "my twin sister, she's single by the way😉" I took my eyes away and stare out the window thinking randomly until I settled on one.

"I so hate school"

"We all do J "...

So guys this is my first book Pls support me and kindly vote and feel free to comment and point out mistakes.I love you all and you can also follow me on my social media accounts
Instagram- prish_simeon
Email - prishsimeon@gmail.com
Twitter -prish simeon

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