♡chapter 10♡

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Juliet's POV

    "Come on!, Move it," I  groaned as I tried to pull Dylan from my bed. I woke up to see a movie in the middle of the night and I slept off, am kinda regretting that decision now.

  'Tough luck hun, I'm in a committed relationship with it"

" What? With my bed?!" I exclaimed and dropped Dylan's leg.

"Ouch woman, what was that for?! "Dylan on the floor now glaring at me

I shrugged "you didn't want to stand up"

He stood up and I sat down on my bed and sighed

"Hey"Dylan came to sit beside me and pushed a stray of my hair behind my ear.

Looking up,I realized I've really done a good job at building my walls so high,even Dylan didn't even know what's wrong with me, I mean he knew I was sick just not the emotional side,

Two things happened at once and all within a matter of time,everything changed one,my sickness and two my emotional sickness.

Dylan and I were literally inseparable but now it's just something different entirely like he sees but doesn't mention it,he's trying to be strong for me,he doesn't want to lose his sister too.

"What's wrong?"Dylan asked as he searched my eyes for answers. His eyes were shining, he had a smile adorned to his face.

I shook my head

"Oh come on,so you're not going to speak to me?"

"I am speaking to you,see my mouth is moving,sounds are coming forth,it's a form of speech production,speaking to you right now is happening. Believe it or not"

"You know I don't mean that, now tell me what's really wrong with you?"

"Nothing Dylan, I'm just worried,you know" I hated talking about it

"It's okay,it'll be fine"he said as he hugged me and ruffled my hair.

It's all going to be fine,I know it, I feel it,Amen.

Play guys don't kill me,I'm sorry, this is extremely short.


|He's With The Key|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें