[09] Smooth like stone on a beach

Start from the beginning

And no, I didn't mean that kind of touching; minds out the gutter, please.

"They're doing pretty good," came Andrew's reply, brushing the dark strands of his bangs away from his eyes. "They haven't been staring at the cheerleaders, if that's what you're asking."

Jonathan let out a laugh.

"You can never really truly appreciate cheerleading until the girls do those really big kicks," Damien commented, winking. He was joking of course, but that earned him a hit on the arms from Mia.

"You're such a pig," she stated, shaking her head disapprovingly at him.

He chuckled, swinging an arm around her shoulder. "Feisty," he commented with a low growl, which I supposed, was supposed to be seducing her. "Me likey."

"Get over yourself, Martins," I barked out, laughing at his obviousness with Mia. Inside, I was rejoicing, seeing that there was another evidence that Mia like-liked Damien. Jealousy is a mere form of love, and an indication of Mia's now very obvious feelings for Damien.

Andrew and Damien then got in a deep conversation about tomorrow's game as Emily and Jonathan spoke, exchanging meaningful looks towards one another. I took that moment to figure out whether or not Damien's feelings reciprocated.

"So, how's that guy you went out with?" I asked Mia. This got Damien's attention. Although he didn't really looked like he was listening, I noticed that he straightened up, his whole body tensing up and hard as he spoke with Andrew.

Mia blushed, suddenly looking down as she tucked her hair behind her ears. She let out a nervous giggle and bit her lips before answering, "I never really got to tell about that have I?"

"Was he nice? A gentleman? Was he hot?" I asked, knowing full well that QB-Ella was taking over my mouth, steering what words was coming out of it.

"Yes, yes, and very," Mia answered, smiling brightly.

Then, Damien cleared his throat. "Ella, isn't it time to let the kids take their shower?" he asked. "The rest of the guys should be coming soon and we should get practicing. Big game tomorrow and all."

"Oh, of course," I said, smiling. He was unquestionably uncomfortable with what it was Mia and I were discussing.

"Come on," Andrew said, pointing at the guys, "Let's get them in the showers and get the field ready."

"Right," was their reply.

Mia frowned when they left, checking her watch. "They still have ten minutes," she noted. "What was that about?"

Emily turned to me, obviously seeing through what I've done. "Oh, I'm sure it's nothing," she said. "Maybe they just take an extra ten minutes to shower off that grossness of sweat and dirt."

Mia nodded. "I suppose. All that dirt will take more than ten minutes to scrub off."

On Friday, Coach thanked me for covering for his absence the other day. The team won the match, causing an uproar of loud cheers from the audience as Andrew kicked the winning goal. He was team captain for a reason, and tonight, it showed. The cheerleaders did their cheer and the guys were hugging each other in a huge circle and jumping around. It was a really great sight to see how happy they were.

They deserved it, too, after all of their hard work. I smiled as Coach called them in and they made their way towards us. Beside me were both Mia and Emily, who had gotten great seats because of the fact that I was a temporary manager and they were my friends. Emily lunged for Jonathan, jumping on him as he returned the embrace, spinning her in a circle.

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