Chapter 14

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I could hear his footsteps fade away in the distance whilst I was standing there all alone. With hundreds of eyes on me.
Looking in my direction, roaming all over my body and the spot beside me where Draco had been stood just a couple of seconds before.
The air was thick in the great hall and not even a single breath seemed to be taken at this moment. I was frozen at the spot. Not wanting to move and break the silence. Somehow it felt like if I moved everything would come crashing down on mine and Draco's relationship. So as long as I stood steady on my feet we were still safe.

I didn't know what I was supposed to do at this moment. I wanted to run and find Draco, but I still couldn't move.  My breath started to quicken and my chest tightened. The room was just tilting slightly to the side right before a loud bang erupted at the Gryffindor table, catching everyone's attention.

"OH BLOODY HELL SEAMUS!!" Ron's angry voice boomed loudly in the hall.

"Sorry mate, it just happens sometimes ya know?" A sooty Seamus laughed awkwardly besides him, sending me a quick glance.

I took the chance as fast as I could and bolted away from the great hall.


People shouldn't know. This is wrong, so wrong. Me and Harry bloody Potter. I as a former death eater, shagging the famous golden boy.

It was still early in the year so I haven't had any chance to redeem my reputation, no one knew what I've actually been through. And now no one will know. They will all just make presumptions and judge me for being with Harry.

I rested my back against the gray spindly railing that surrounded the astronomy tower. A breeze ruffled up my platinum, already messy hair as the cold made me shiver. Even though it was almost lunchtime the cold air was still biting.

Something warm slid down my rosy cheek... I was crying. So pathetic, a Malfoy crying over a boy.

I turned around and glanced over the bright Hogwarts grounds, leaning against my elbows. I let a tear drop from my cheek and over the railing as I watched it fall, getting smaller and smaller until I couldn't see it no more. It looked so peaceful, being lightly swept away by the freezing wind. Without thinking I stood on my toes, bending by the railing and leaned over. The cold metal against the bend by my hipbones, holding me up as I stretched out my arms. The cold air gripping my fingertips as I clenched and unclenched my fists.

It felt like I could finally breathe again, a weight lifted of my shoulders as I momentarily forgot the troubles. But not for long as my foot suddenly lost grip on the dark slippery wooden floor. Panic took over as I tried to quickly grab the railing again, but it was to late. My arms were flailing in the air as I slowly tipped over the edge. My heart was beating uncontrollably fast and my head hurt. My breath hitched in my throat as I tried to scream. But all that came out was a strangled cry.

And before I knew it, I was falling


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