Chapter 6

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I was running through the corridors, my heart beating out my chest and throat burning. I took a right and then a left, ending up right outside the portrait to the common room.
But I couldn't go there could I? Ron and Hermione would be right at me, asking questions and not leaving me out of sight for even one second. But where would I go? The room of requirement brought back way to many memories from the fiendfyre. If I just waited in a deserted corridor a prefect would soon find me out of bed at late hours...
The astronomy tower!
There no one would find me, I would be all alone. Just me and my thoughts...
The thoughts that Draco now had seen.


"HARRY!" I yelled the boys name once again. But he just kept on running, his footsteps getting quieter by every second. Somehow I wanted to be with him, to comfort him... or something. But why the fuck did I feel that way? I hated Potters guts. Every single inch of him. Before I knew it, my legs were already moving, quickly picking up speed and running after Potter.
Where the fuck did he go? I could faintly hear his footsteps, but that didn't help. I was at fricking Hogwarts it's like a billion corridors.

"POTTER!" Once again I yelled his name. My voice bouncing of the empty corridor walls.

Where the hell should I look? Try to think as the enemy my father always said. But was Potter enemy? Yeah of course he was! He had always been and will always be.
The Gryffindor wouldn't have gone back to his common room, he's not that stupid.
Walking around in the corridors was to risky, a prefect would find him. I leaned against the wall, still feeling a bit ill since the potion. Why wouldn't Harry answer when I called his name?
Well it's pretty obvious. I just saw his deepest darkest secret, with that being me, his bully since first year. He probably thought that I was going to pick on him for it, but no, I wanted to talk to him.
I wanted to be at the top of the world yelling his name, in hopes of him hearing me.
On top of the world.
Where was a place Harry always went when he wanted to be all alone? The Astronomy tower! I had caught him there out of bed multiple times in sixth year as a prefect. Always taking unrealistic amounts of points from him.

I pushed myself of the wall and started walking towards the tower. I don't know what I was going to say to him. Or why I wanted to talk to him. But something pulled me toward him. Something inside me just had to see him. Comfort that little boy in the mirror, make him smile. With my thoughts wandering of, I hadn't realize that I'd walked right to Harry's hideaway until i was standing at the bottom of the stairs. As I slowly walked upwards, one step at a time. The closer I came, the better I could hear Harry's muffled sobs.
A knot formed in my chest as another one of his cries reached my ear. I took the last step up, directly seeing Harry. He sat hunched down on the right side of the room, face towards the jet black sky. The only light coming from Hagrid's hut, giving the forbidden forest an even ghostlier glow than usual.
I was just about to make my presence know to Harry when he abruptly turned around, looking at me with fear in his eyes.

"Malfoy, what are you doing here?" He asked hesitantly

"Umm..." Honestly? I don't know.

"Seriously Malfoy, why the heck did you follow me?" This time with more power in his voice, although I could hear the stocked up tears in his throat

I didn't know what to answer so I just walked up to him, leaning against the metallic railing besides Potter. Looking out over the misty grass. Slowly I turned towards the other boy, looking right at him. Even though he was clearly ignoring me.

"Harry I... I don't know why I followed you." Somehow I didn't want to lie. I wanted to tell the truth.

Then he did it. He looked at me once again. Those emerald green eyes flashing with emotions. It was like he could see right through me, his look burning holes inside me.
I couldn't take it any longer. As the wimp I was, I just ran. Without even talking to Harry, he had made me feel small once again. Like always, just by looking at me he made me feel small and worthless. Therefore the bullying, my only way of getting the upper hand. Too feel strong.
But now I had seen Harry. The real Harry.
Not the one you read about in 'Witch Weekly'. The golden boy, without fears and who was gliding through life getting everything handed to him.
No, I'd seen Harry, the boy who had an abusive childhood and fought for being heard and treated as an equal. The one that had been too small to fight for himself, thrown into the game of good and bad at a way too young age.
Just like me...

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