Chapter 4

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I was staring up at the ceiling of my bed. Harry's screaming echoing in my head, the emerald green eyes shiny with tears.
'Not again', had Ron said sounding both scared and exhausted like it had happened before. Did this happen often to Potter?
The other boy had pleaded in his sleep... I was so confused, everything that happened was floating around in my head. And the more I thought about it, the less it made sense.


I was staring up at the ceiling of my bed. Another nightmare about the cupboard at Dursley's. Tonight it was even worse than it had been before, but not because of the dream. Because of Malfoy. He had seen everything, and probably heard me talking even before I woke up. Now he probably knew how I, the boy who lived had been treated before. That I've been raised by muggles was no news, but that I had been mistreated and punished for my magic was nothing I wanted anyone to know. It was something I was ashamed of.

I closed my eyes again. Rubbing my hands over my face wiping away the dried tears. I slowed my breath as I steered my thoughts to happier memories, hoping to sleep the rest of the night dreamless.


"Mr.Potter please stop talking to Mr.Weasley" Snape sneered before me as he tapped twice on my desk.

I rolled my eyes and slumped forward on the wood surface, leaning my head in my hands.

"Not that tone to me Mr.Potter" Snape said sourly

"I didn't even say anything!" I answered irritated

"Ten points from Gryffindor for talking back"

I heard a snigger from the back of the class. A very familiar snigger. I turned around and as I predicted my eyes landed on a pale face, grin stretched from ear to ear. I couldn't stand it any longer, with Snape taking points and Malfoy doing whatever he want without the teacher caring.

"What the hell are you laughing at Malfoy!" I yelled across the room drawing out sickeningly on his name

"Laughing at you Potter, can't you see that or are those glasses only for show?" He retorted quickly

When I now finally did something wrong in class, Snape just stood there watching us with amusement. This only fueled me even more, to the point where I actually stood up to yell at Malfoy.

"Oh you shut it daddy's boy!" It was the first thing I came up with, what Malfoy always talk about 'how his father is going to hear about it'

"Hah that's the best you've got, you don't even have parents. Because your mom die..." Draco didn't have the time to finish as Snape interrupted him

"THAT'S ENOUGH! Mr.Weasley switch place with Mr.Malfoy now please.

Ron spluttered out a protest but the
Professor only gave him a stern look to shut him up.


I sulked over to Potter's desk at the front whilst the redhead switched seats with me. I looked at Potter before I sat down. He didn't even glance my way, he kept his face turned towards the wall and body hunched down.
Had I gone to far? Talking about his parents? Ugh but what did I care, I always said shit to Harry and went to far. It's not like he cares, he should be used to my hate.

The professor tapped on the blackboard with his wand, making instructions appear in white chalk. I immediately went to gather things and a cauldron. But Harry just sat there, kept on staring towards the dungeon wall.
I sat down once again placing each and every ingredient in neat piles making it easier for later.
I started adding the potion ingredients. Jobberknoll feathers was first on the list of making a memory potion.
I slowly parted the feather in two adding both parts and slowly stirred 10 times.

"What do you know?" Harry spoke for the first time since I sat down

"What are you talking about?" I asked curiously

"You know what I'm talking about!" actually no I don't Potter "Last night, what did I say in my sleep!" He stated grumpily as he turned around quickly. Causing the wide arm of his black robe stuck to the cauldron. Both of our hands tried to save the metallic vessel as it slowly tipped to the side, falling of its stand and hitting the work table with a loud smack. Making Harry jump and cover his ears quickly. I was still trying to hold the cauldron by gripping its side, wanting to save the memory potion inside. But Merlin's balls that shit was hot. I retreated my hands with a loud hissing noise escaping my lips. We both watched intently as the potion spilled over the table and started dropping down on both of our legs. Harry still covering his ears and I blowing on my burning hands.

"Potter, Malfoy!" A angry Snape was yelling besides us

"Both of you hurry to the infirmary, the potion wasn't finished so we can't know the side effects." He said sourly

I looked over at Potter with a shocked expression and stood up quickly. The other boy followed shortly after and together we ran to the hospital wing.


"Boys, boys quickly sit down!" Poppy said in a rushed voice, pushing us onto separate beds

I did as she said. Plopping myself down onto the right bed facing, legs dangling off the edge and facing Malfoy.

"I don't really know what's going to happen boys, but we'll just have to wait and see" She said with a furrowed brow

"We'll have to wait and see?! What kind of witch are you?!" Malfoy said with an accusing voice accompanied with a raised eyebrow

"Mr.Malfoy I don't have the time for this, I'll be in my office if anything happens, until then you two will just stay seated right here" The medical witch said as she turned her heel and went to her room

"Pfft nothing is going to happen, or else they would have watched us more carefully" Malfoy stated knowingly

I was going to agree but right before I had the chance to nod, the Slytherin boy swayed in front of me.

"Hey Malfoy are you okay?" I said kindly, although the urge to shove him, which would result in a face plant, was itching in my fingers

"Oh shut up will you. I'm just dizzy, nothing else" he said with a slight slurred voice

I hadn't time to reflect on that before Malfoy swayed once again, this time so hard that he almost fell of the bed. But I quickly stretched out an arm and caught him. But a stinging pain shot through my arm spreading up my shoulder and neck rapidly. I tried to pull back my arm, but I couldn't. It was stuck to Malfoy's chest. The other boy started yelling, probably from the pain, I wanted to yell to because it was just increasing with every second that passed. Like needles repeatedly sticking your skin and insides, with every new sting the needle was being heated to a scalding degree.
But I couldn't scream as I was to busy with trying to loosen my arm from the blond boy.

Suddenly the pain stopped, right after it had spread all the way to my head. But was immediately replaced with extreme dizziness. My legs felt like jelly as we tumbled down onto the floor, I landing on top of Malfoy. And then everything went black.

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