Chapter 7

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I was lying on my bed, my left leg dangling of the edge. The purple curtains almost fully closed, just a few inches open. Letting in some sunlight from the window. It was Saturday and Ron and Hermione had gone to the library to catch up on work. (Hermione didn't have anything to catch up for so she was just tutoring Ron.) I didn't feel like going, so with the use of the bleak excuse that 'I'm still feeling ill from the potion' had left me alone in the boys dorm.
I wasn't feeling ill from the potion, I never really had. Now my head was only buzzing with questions about Draco... I mean Malfoy. Like why the fuck did he come to the tower and why was he acting so strange?
Fuck, my curiosity took over as I sat up and started rummaging around in the trunk at the end of the bed. Looking for one rare item, the invisibility cloak.
Once I found the silky smooth fabric I went to the full length mirror that was placed by the door. Wait a minute... I was 'just' going to sneak into the potion classroom where I knew Malfoy was alone, working on a special potion that Snape had ordered him to do (as the boy was the most talented on potions in our year... and also Snape is favoriting Malfoy himself). Why the heck did I want to look good? I put the thought aside and went for the door. Starting to walk towards the dungeons with my cloak tucked snugly in my pocket.


"Who's there?" I called over my shoulder as I heard the door open with a smooth click.
I kept on stirring the potion, focusing hard on keeping the count. I stirred one more time counterclockwise before letting the potion rest over fire as I increased the flame with a small flick of my wand.
Now I had the time to turn around and find out who had entered the room. I heard footsteps to my right so I turned that way, following the sound. But no one was there...
"Hello?" I called out again
No one answered. Now something moved to my left. I quickly followed the sound again with my head. But no, no one was there either.
I jumped high in the air and almost screamed, almost... a Malfoy don't scream like small girls, when something touched my hand briefly. Right before a floating head popped out in front of me, splaying out a big grin towards me.

"POTTER! What the heck are you doing!!!" I asked loudly heart still pounding.

"Ahaha, fuck Malfoy I didn't know you were so easily scared!" He exclaimed happily

"Hmpf, whatever Potter! What do you want?"

At this question Harry's grin quickly died down, a blush slowly coloring he's cheeks.
"Ehh, I just wanted to know why you followed me to the tower yesterday" he said awkwardly

Now it was my time to blush. But still somehow I needed him to know. That he wasn't alone or that I was the same. I took a deep breath before starting.

"Potter... I haven't been able to stop thinking about you... I mean it. Since I saw your memories"
He gave me a weird look, something like disgust but also something intriguing too.
"I just.. I wantedyoutoknowthatwearentreallythatdiff..." I rambled quickly before the black haired boy put a hand on my shoulder wanting me to slow down.

"I'm sorry Malfoy, I have no idea of what you just said"

Another deep breath.
"I just wanted you to know that we aren't really that different. We both grew up with bad parents and guardians. People that treated us like shit. Never to be heard or to be seen, never treated as an equal. We always had to live up to fucked expectations. Pretending to be people we aren't, hiding ourselves in hopes of a chance to be noticed or respected. I..."
I couldn't continue as my throat clogged up and eyes burning, making it hard to form words.
I faced the stone floor, gaze fixed on my shoes as a fat tear ran down my cheek. I felt five warm fingers lightly touch my chin as they tuned my head over, making me look directly at Harry. He looked at me, straight into my eyes. His shamrock green ones mixing with my silver ones.

"Fuck... Draco I..." Harry's voice was gentle and caring


A loud sound erupted from the cauldron as the flame had made the light yellow potion boil over. Harry quickly knelt down on the floor screaming as he covered his ears. The loud crack had triggered his phobia making him shake uncontrollably as I tried to save the potion. Before I knew it the room was spinning around. Making me fall on my knees, catching myself with my palms and scratching them up in the process. I closed my eyes as the room kept on spinning, I didn't open them until it took a quick halt. Making both me and Potter fall to the side, Harry landing on top of me as we sat so close.
I opened my eyes only to realize that the fumes from the potion had made the room shrink into more than half its size. All desks and objects had disappeared in the process. Now only Harry and I left, sitting in a small space with our backs touching the wall as well as me not being fully able to stretch out my legs.

I could feel the other boy still shaking quite violently against my shoulder. I turned towards him the best I could in the cramped area right before I realized. That he had fucking claustrophobia...

Scared, Potter? •DRARRY•Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora