Chapter 21: A Gut-Feeling

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The first thing I did after we got to Carson's house was shut myself in the bathroom.

I took off the overalls and white tee that Celia had gifted me, examining myself in the mirror. My skin held no trace of scars, no indication of the Blotter attack at all. The darkness of Tenebris had completely healed me to the point that it was like the whole thing never happened. 

After inspecting my unblemished skin, I took a much-needed shower and washed off all the grime that I couldn't in Tenebris. The murky water in the shadow dimension couldn't compare to a hot shower and soap, although Celia's scented oils were well-missed. She always managed to smell like fresh-cut flowers, which was apparently part of her Charmer appeal. 

Rather than putting on day-old borrowed clothes again, I pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I took my hair out of the braided bun Celia had put it in, intending to wash it soon. The steam made my hair fall around my shoulders like a billowing cloud, spreading out in whatever shape it liked. I helped it along, making sure it didn't look too wild.

It was strange to have a moment to myself after so many days of running. I hadn't accomplished anything in my search for Uncle Ethan, despite seeking a clairvoyant and traveling to Tenebris. The man who took him remained a mystery, as well as the intent behind his actions. I couldn't leave things unresolved, or my uncle's disappearance would slowly become a cold case. 

I cleared my throat, feeling kind of silly. "Queen Zara, are you listening?" 

Knowing that I had earned the Queen's interest was both a relief and a concern. She could turn out to be more helpful than most, but consequently, she could ask more out of me than West had. He still hadn't reappeared to help me, or to reveal what it was that he wanted me to do for him. Dealing with Shades was beginning to feel like consorting with genies, desperately trying to avoid the traps they set in their wish fulfillments. And I was failing horribly so far.

But still, I knew that she could help me. In fact, I suspected that she already had, by gifting me The Thought Keepers and sending me to Tenebris when I was on the brink of death. I didn't know who else it could be, if not her. 

"I need your help to find my uncle," I continued, although there was no response. I knew she was listening, because she always was. If she was going to spy on me, then I would make use of it. "I know you already sent West and Celia, but that's not enough. You're the only one who can move through dimensions freely, who can see and hear everywhere at once. I need you to look for him, because I'll never find him otherwise. Please."

I wiped my nose, looking away from my reflection. "I can't promise to kill anyone for you. I won't suddenly become your soldier and betray the Unnormals, even if that's what you want. But I can promise that I'll never become the kind of person that feels proud to hurt others, human or not." 

Her words in my dream haunted me, not because her mysterious voice and fake appearance was frightening, but because she thought I relished in killing Shades. I wasn't sorry for protecting myself in the pocket dimension, but killing was never my intent. I simply wanted to survive, and I needed her to see that. 

Shaking off my sudden need for the Shadow Queen's approval, I walked towards the bathroom door and turned the doorknob.

And then I was promptly punched in the stomach. 


One minute I was standing in the bathroom, and the next there was an invisible hand punching through my gut. I keeled over, letting out a groan that expelled all the air in my legs. Drool left my mouth, or maybe it was blood- I couldn't tell. I just knew that I was too weak to wipe it off.

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