Chapter 18: By the Light of the Moon Symbol Part 1

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That didn't happen. Tell me that didn't just happen, I thought in denial. 

Oh, it happened. Carson is dead because of you.

No, no. Carson is strong. He's been doing this for much longer than I have. There's no way he could die so easily.

Even the most experienced Unnormal can die at a moment's notice. It only takes one second for-

My stomach heaved so violently that saliva left my mouth. I keeled over, a powerful force ripping itself from my body with a painful jerk. All I could think of was the moment when Carson tried to take me home, and I stupidly convinced him to stay and fight. I made a huge mistake in thinking we could defeat the Shades. I wanted to go back to that moment so badly and tell him to teleport the hell out of there. 

Although I knew our chances were slim, I still insisted that we stay and confront the Shades. Unlike with Jade, I didn't think about how much danger I was putting Carson in. I was so confident in his ability to fight that I ended up pinning all the responsibility on him. I relied on Carson to defeat the Blotters because he was always there to save me, even from the beginning.

I treated Carson like the hero he always pretended to be, and it cost him his life.

A strange sensation overtook me. My body felt light as if I were flying, but at the same time I felt my feet planted firmly on the ground. It was like my mind was soaring and my body was standing still. I heard an earth-shattering tear, like someone was ripping apart the sky itself. 

My mind traveled a bit more before stopping. Then all at once time snapped back together with a vengeful force.


I opened my eyes, not quite remembering the moment I closed them. All around me, golden leaves glistened in the autumn sun. The vibrant trees overwhelmed my senses for a moment as time seemed to hang on the edge of my breath. Carson held my hand firmly, waiting for me to readjust after teleporting outside so suddenly. 

I gripped his hand tightly, listening to Jade in the near distance, yelling at the Shades to come and get her. The sound of their screams was faint against the ringing in my ears, and the pounding in my head. My mind was still wandering through space until Carson tugged on my hand, bringing me back to the present moment. Which was, in fact, the past. 

"We need to go," Carson urged. "I'm taking you back to the Mystic Castra."

Still dazed, I turned to look at him. He looked as alert as ever, his skin a normal beige instead of the sickly blush from before. His hair wasn't plastered to his forehead, but curled as usual and falling down to his ears. 

When I didn't respond, Carson tilted his head. Without a warning, a disbelieving laugh burst out of my throat. I couldn't stop a relieved smile from spreading across my face. Carson seemed almost alarmed, taking in my wide grin and uncontrollable laugher. "Are you okay?"

"You should leave," I said suddenly, ripping my hand out of his grasp. He looked at his own, wondering if there might be a toxic substance on it, considering how quickly I had pulled away. I didn't have time to explain my actions to him. I had to make him leave before the past repeated itself.

"What the hell are you talking about?" He pressed, finally taking in my appearance fully. His eyes drifted over the claw marks covering my torso and legs. To him, I had just been standing in Ms. Price's living room a second ago, listening to the plan of attack. Not fending off cloud monsters and losing horrendously. 

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