Chapter 5: Normals, Unnormals and Shades Pt. 2

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Carson led me down a hallway entirely made of mirrors. It reflected us walking from all sides, at every angle. Instead of paying attention to where we were going, my thoughts drifted to dangerous places. Like the way Carson's blue sweater hung loosely around his thin frame, practically falling off his shoulders. Or how tight his black jeans were. Or the fact that every time I stopped to notice these things, Carson's charcoal eyes met mine in the mirror and I started burning up.

Thankfully the perilous journey ended with a double-sided door at the end of the hall. Its windows were made of iridescent glass that webbed like a butterfly's wings. Right above the door, the Latin phrase Discendo Discimus was written in cursive. 

"By teaching, we learn," Carson translated, without me having to ask. "Unnormals value knowledge more than anything. Learning the history is important." 

I silently wondered what history he could be referring to, and if that included people that looked like me. From what he mentioned of Ancient Rome so far, I was venturing a guess as to no. 

Carson paused before entering the room, looking at me with searching eyes. I found myself lost in their darkness and again, I felt caught. 

"What?" I felt the need to ask. He was making me nervous, staring at me as if he had never seen me before. 

"I know this will sound weird. It just feels like, in another life we were best friends," Carson said. "So I feel closer to you than I should." He was wringing his hands together like some of the nervousness would leave him. 

I tilted my head to the side. "Best friends?" I asked. 

Carson laughed, waving a hand. His smile didn't reach his eyes. "I sound like a lunatic. Ignore me." 

He turned, entering the room before I could tell him to wait. I followed him into the dark space as soon as he disappeared.

The room we walked into was large, and I mean like size of a small bookstore large. It was more like a traditional study, with dark wood paneling for the ceiling and floors, large desks lined up in rows and wheeled blackboards.

The classroom looked like it could use a good cleaning, but aside from that, there was nothing special about it. I was almost disappointed with the lack of mystical design in the room compared to its elaborate entrance. 

Until Carson turned on the lights and the room burst into color.

The four walls across the room were detailed floor-to-ceiling landscapes. The wall nearest to us was completely bathed in red and orange. The sun beamed scarlet light onto a cobblestone street full of rubies. Large stone buildings split the road in two, while busy storefronts ran down their sides. Tents with red canopies covered the places in between, cluttered with items for sale. But not just any items. 

There were thousands of weapons in the display windows, spread out on tables and piled in holders outside like advertisements. The entire city was some kind of ancient military arsenal. 

"This is Forum, the Unnormal Marketplace," Carson imparted with a grand tone. 

"The online chat," I teased. Carson cracked a smile, and I felt relieved. 

There were all kinds of weapons: swords, crossbows, axes, machetes, you name it. And they were all made of crystals that were vibrant like the sun: red ruby, orange sunstone, yellow amber. 

Stores also set out jewelry to buy, but I knew now that even that could be deadly. If Carson's ring was ruby like the weapons in this display, then this place must be where it had come from. 

I turned away, further exploring the grand study designed to pull you in, enticing you to sit down and marvel at its wonders. "This is one fancy classroom. I mean, everything in your house is fancy," I blurted, feeling absolutely amazed. 

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