Return To Thee.....

Start from the beginning

Siena stood there trying to remember if she had told him "You know what it don't matter. It's great to see you" she smiled at him and took a seat "Matt can I have the same for my friend here" Matt nodded his head and poured them both a drink. Siena cling her glass to Lucas's "Bottom up" she smiled then drained her drink. "So what business did you have in this area? I'm sure the De Vere Empire don't extent all the way out to Virginia" Siena teased.

Lucas knew that now was his moment to aural Siena into his grand plan "Your right the De Vere don't go out this far. You recall me telling you about my sister" He watched as Siena nodded her "Well I met with someone and they told me of her location she was last. But I don't know..." Lucas started to act upset to get Siena sympathy which was working like a charm.

"Lucas" Siena touch his hand she had known Lucas pretty much all her life and she knew he was not one to give up "Are you frighten that she might reject you?" Siena knew that was something that Lucas always feared he had the same problem when it came to his father it seem that Lucas felt the need to prove himself. Siena notice that Lucas appeared upset "Hey. Look I'm sure your sister will be ecstatic when she meets you. I mean what there not to love about you" she encouraged him then smiled she didn't want her friend to fear rejection.

Lucas drained his drink then looked at her "That what I always loved about you Siena your always just you" He smiled and hoped that she will not refuse what he was about to offer "You know back in New York you said if I needed any help. Just to ask. Will you come with me?" He paused for a moment "I'm sorry how stupid of me I can't ask you to do something like that. Just to up and leave to help me" He turned back around and poured another drink for Siena and himself.

Siena could hear the sorrow in Lucas voice. She had nothing left here for her Damon had made his feeling very clear about her. Her son didn't want anything to do with her then there was her sister Elena who was getting on with her life in college and maybe rekindling something with Damon. There was nothing her back "Well Lucas De Vere you thought wrong because it looks like I'm coming with you" she smiled and raised her glass and they smiled as both of them took their shot of bourbon. "So where are we heading to?"

It was like music to Lucas's ear he knew that with the way Siena was feeling she would not refuse his offer after dating her for three years he knew how just to play her "New Orleans. That where she is" Lucas didn't turned to face her because he knew once in New Orleans the game plan was going to change as he knew he had to keep to the deal he had made with the Travellers.

When Siena heard the town of New Orleans it sparked something with in her a smile appeared on her face as she was amused by something "Well when are we leaving?"

On that Day Siena had left Mystic Falls she didn't say bye to her sister Elena as she intended to, she wanted to leave that miserable part of her life behind. Siena did not want anything to do with Mystic Falls her family, friends and her estrange husband. Siena was look forward into her future and she knew exactly in which direction she was going. She had agreed to meet Lucas in New Orleans in a few day, but Siena couldn't wait for that. There was something about New Orleans that was drawing her there. When she arrived in the city she felt like a surge of energy sweep through her, Siena felt stronger she felt move alive. She smiled as she walked through the streets which she considered to be her home now.

Siena walked into a bar it was filled with music and people laughing and drink she continued to smile as walked to the bar. A lady with blonde hair from behind the bar approached her she looked a little familiar to her from her last visit here with Klaus "What going to be your poison?" The blonde barmaid asked. Siena takes a sit "Scotch" She smiled and the barmaid grabbed a bottle and glass and began to pour a drink for her.

'Your Love Consumes Me' A Damon Salvatore Love Story.  Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now