Need A Little Help From A Friend.....

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A Warning to Younger readers there is some R-rated scene in this chapter.

Siena P.O.V

It felt strange to be back like everything around felt different as I ran through the woods with Damon even looking at something so simple as a green leaf on the tree it used to be just a leaf now when I looked at it I could see beyond that. It was weird it was like I could see life in it and even the tree everything had more life more depth to it all I felt connected to it all somehow, even running at a fast speed everything felt in slow motions.

I was still trying to process in my mind what Damon had told me about me being able to read this thoughts and able to show him my thoughts through my own eyes. I felt that it wasn't a good sign because I've never dealt with any of my powers well at the best of times. But watching Damon being amazed by it all pushed all of them bad thoughts into the back of my mind. I had to start seeing all of this as a blessing rather than a curse.

When we arrived at the boarding house Tia Dalma kept questioned me what other ability had come to me but all of this felt all over whelming to me. I kept getting distracted by the thoughts that were running through Damon mind and Tia Dalma. They both feared that I weren't going to take my new powers on to well, and part of me knew they were right. I couldn't focus at all with being able to hear every little sound with my vampire hearing and the thoughts I wanted it all to stop just for a moment.

When Tia Dalma had told us that she had found Nico all I felt was joy in my heart I was going to have my baby Nico, but part of me felt frighten in the sense that I knew it weren't going to be as simple as bursting into wherever he was and take him back. The witches would have had him protected from vampire especially they would have traps of course, my mind kept thinking of ways how could overcome these problem because I know what Damon like his tends to be about think about his actions later. Tia Dalma showed us a map and the location of where Nico was I kept looking at Damon who looked at the map with disbelief I couldn't understand why he was behaving like this I mean Tia Dalma had done it she had found Nico.

"Are you sure that where Nico is?" He looked up at Tia Dalma I glanced over at her she didn't look overly impressed with Damon questioning her ability. I could hear her thoughts and she weren't pleased what so ever.

"Damon I've practiced magic for many years and I'm telling you that where you son is" I notice that Damon kept on frowning while lookin down at the map what was Damon problem?

"Because witchy the location you're saying our 6 month old son is happens to be Whitmore College" I looked directly at Damon. Why the hell would Nico be there and that the same college Elena and Caroline are at?

"Damon...." He turned me suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my mind.

I was in a dark room filled with candles I looked around and there were five women chanting round something. I walked closer to see a baby laying in the middle of them not any baby but my Nico. I went to go and grab him but my hands went through him he just kept looking up gurgling. Then they stopped chanting and one lady who appeared to be in a her late 40's picked him up from the ground and held him in her arms.

"Give me my son back" I screamed at her but she didn't even acknowledge me. I went to take Nico out of her arms but she went straight through me.

"His protected now no one will be able to find him" I turned around and I could see someone coming out of the darkness, a woman who appeared to be around the same age as me "Margherita you have to protect him and keep him safe" She handed Nico over to her I screamed in fury and I rushed over there but I couldn't do anything as went straight though the both of them.

'Your Love Consumes Me' A Damon Salvatore Love Story.  Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now