Reality Sinks In.....

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Siena P.O.V

I still couldn't get over it that Damon actually agree to turn me to be honest when told him my reason I thought he would of thought they were lame. But Damon Salvatore had stunned me once again. I couldn't help but smile I was going to literally spend my whole existence with the man who I knew I could never live without. Reality sunk in how could I be happy about turning myself into some immortal vampire where my Nico out there somewhere. What kind of mother I'm to be thinking about myself before I find my own son; guilt began to overwhelm me. As how could I be so freaking selfish.

"Bella what wrong?" Damon asked looking down at me.

"I just feel like a terrible mom. Look at me wanting immortality while our son...." Damon cut me off.

"While I was out I went to see Tia Dalma and she getting close princess we are going to have our son back to us soon" He began to stroke my cheek "You're not a terrible mom. I don't ever want to hear you say that again" His tone was firm as he spoke but that how I felt. I didn't deserve to be a mom, what kind of mom would put their child life in danger "Siena" Damon snapped me out of my thoughts "I don't want you to say that again!" I nodded he flipped me over so I was on top of him "Hey everything going to be ok. We are good place and in a few days we going to have Nico back. Our lives are getting back on track Bella" He cupped my face and pulled me towards him and kissed me. Damon made everything all sound so perfect that but will it all turn out like that?

The following day Damon and I left New York it felt a little harder this time to say bye to my mom and dad I don't know if it was because of what happened while I was here but I was really going to miss them. My mom brought up about talking to Elena again I didn't really want to have this discussion with her again but my mom stubborn. All I told her is that I would try.

The drive to Mystic Falls was a daunting knowing I was going back there after everything that had happened. I know Damon knows about what I did to Bonnie but I'm worried about everyone else reaction to it all. I wanted to talk to him about it all but I couldn't bring myself round to say it, they all going to hate me and I might as well accept that now. Then there was Elena she will probably look at it like an eye or an eye that I killed her best friend because she killed mine. It wasn't about that. I kept on trying to remember that night and all I would get is little flash backs all I remember that I felt rage because of them taking Nico from me, and that it. I don't even know what I did to Bonnie no matter how hard I tried that part would never come to me.

I looked up and saw the sign for Mystic Falls we were finally here and I don't know if I'm ready for any of this. I felt Damon hold my hand I looked at him.

"We are home" He made it all sound normal I turned away from him "Hey!" He suddenly stopped me car and he turn my face so I was looking at him "Princess what's wrong?" I took in a deep breathe.

"Do they all know what I did to Bonnie?" Damon face soften he rubbed my check with his thumb.

"Is that why you've been so quite the whole way?" I nodded my head "The only people know is Jeremy and I, Bonnie don't want anyone to know yet" It wasn't just Elena there was Caroline, Matt that lost her but also her family. Oh my god I' m evil I've killed the mayor daughter "We are going to work through this as a couple Siena" I sighed and nodded he started up the engine and drove into Mystic falls. Nothing had changed everything looked the same. Damon parked up the car I looked around and the house was still standing. He had warn me that Elena and Jeremy were staying here, there weren't much I could do or say about it all. I got out of the car and so did Damon he gave me a small smile and walked over to the trunk of the car, he grabbed out case and I walked over to him.

"Home sweet home. Princess" He leaned in and kissed me gently, I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. Suddenly I was swept off my feet and laying on something soft. I opened my eyes Damon was hovering over me I looked around and we were in the parlour.

'Your Love Consumes Me' A Damon Salvatore Love Story.  Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora