Do My Eyes Deceive Me......

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Katherine P.O.V

Well who would of thought it would have been that easy to drain the hot Dr I was pretty impressed with myself, and I think I may of impressed blondie too not like I'm actually bothered but good to surprise people of my talents sometimes. Well apparently there a little tea party going on in Whitmore house and all I need to do to stop suspicion of this secret society thinking the girls are vamps, human version of Elena aka me going to waltz in there and show them there wrong.

So I left Caroline and Nico back at the lab while I went back to the dorm to look very Elena like. Which means I got to dress very plain Jane like wonderful! I still can't get over that little stud muffin Nico god I could literally eat him up, but his Siena and Damon son you could really see Damon in him but his mannerism reminds me of Stefan talk about best of both worlds.

I got changed in the only decent dress Elena owned some floral dress well I think if finished it off pretty well with the red shoes. I walked out of the door and made my way to this Whitmore house. Surely it won't be that hard to convince a room full of society freaks that I'm Elena Gilbert, god I convince most of Mystic Falls I was her I even fooled the Salvatore brother. Why the hell I'm even freaking out for? I approach the front door of Whitmore House I fiddled with my hair, before knocking on the door. Seriously why I'm freaking out for?

"Ms Gilbert?" A woman opened the door how the hell did she know me? Well not but Elena!

"You know me?" I questioned her I didn't have a clue who she was and actually didn't care.

"I'm Dianne Freeman. We met the night your roommate died" I smiled widely she looked at me a little stunned.

"Of course. Crazy night. Anyway, I am here for the shindig" I didn't have a clue what she was on about but I'll just roll with it.

"I didn't realize you'd be joining us" Yeah sure you didn't you thought I wouldn't be able to get pass the threshold.

"Did I forget to RSVP? Sorry, I've just been so busy with my studies" I spoke to her innocently I have to remember I'm playing Elena Gilbert here the total suck up.

"We just started the tea" Dianne ushers me into the door well I've convince her that Elena not a vampire.

"Got any food?" God my stomach kept on rumbling I saw a table with some yummy stuff, I approaches a table filled with food, where I started stuffing my mouth with ther food. I feel like I haven't ate for months rather than hours ago, might as well take some for the road. I started to fill my purse with the goodies. I felt like some was watching me I looked up and notices a young man staring at me.

"What? Are you the sandwich police" I spoke with my mouth fall I really didn't give a dam what he thought but he seemed amused.

"No. Just uh...trying to figure out why Wes told me to stay away from you" I looked back at him I'm meant to know him?

"Do I know you?" He began to frown at me.

"Aaron. We met yesterday. You changed your hair... it's..." I cut him off I think I need to act a little dippy.

"Aaron. Duh. Hi! So, what are you doing here? Are you apart of" I stopped speaking so loud and began to whisper "The secret society?" Well that was probably the reason why Wes told him to stay clear of Elena as she was a vampire.

"The what?" He looked at me confused maybe he didn't hear me.

"You know, the society" I whispered once again I didn't want anyone catching me out talking about it.

"I still have no idea" Well he seems to be keeping to whatever code well.

"Either you're genuinely clueless or you're very good at keeping secrets" I began to cough and I felt something hard in my mouth I turns around and spat a tooth into my hand.

'Your Love Consumes Me' A Damon Salvatore Love Story.  Part Of The 'Epic Love Saga'Where stories live. Discover now